I drove into a free park and parked it. As I locked it, a group of girls not that far from me were pointing an laughing my way. That's just rude, he's just a Bike.

"Hey girls." I smirked barging into the side of them as I passed. I could feel their glares into the back of my head, pointing daggers. "Oh and have a good day. Cross your fingers your don't get pregnant by the way." I chuckled.

Once I had reached the main hall of the school I felt like a million different sets of eyes were on me. My Nirvana bag slung over my shoulder, fI exhaled a breath and walked past all the crowds of people, some gave me dirty looks, some boys smirked at me making me roll my eyes to the extent of seeing my brain in a 360° motion. When a bouncy blonde girl stood in front on me, her smile so white that it could've punched me right in the face. She had brown eyes and a nice complexion, if she didn't wear so much makeup she's be even more gorgeous but she applied it sloppily and too thick. Her clothes were way too short as well, like she wants to be noticed by every boy in this state and to top it off she stood a few inches shorter then me. A short, wanna be slut, blonde. Teenage mutant ninja turtle?

"Welcome!" She said happily.

"Hey." I smiled weakly. A side exaggerated smile appeared on my face.

Did you know there's a face on your makeup.

I just want to leave right now.

"My name's Brittany, and you're Charley am I correct?" Wait what?

"Ahh yeah, how do you know my name?" I asked as politely as I could without trying to sound bitchy.

"My mum's the principal. I know all about the new students." She smiled.

Your mum lets you go out in that? let alone go to school wearing that, she looks like a sheep that got only half shaved.

Taking my schedule from my hands, she looked over it just as the bell rung. "Ahh we basically have all the same classes together!" She squealed jumping up and down like a preppy school girl, before pulling me down the hall into the migrating pubescent teenage race.

Her hand gripped my wrist pulling me along and bumping into sides of people. Once we got to first class of the day, we barge in, in a now 'full' high school class. My eyes gazed over the students as their beady little eyes studied me, judging me so hard. I laughed quietly.

"Miss Hamilton, you're late. Excuse?" The male teacher at the desk asked. He wasn't very old but not very young. He had dark hair with splashes of grey and looked a little like he'd be Spanish or something.

"Sorry Mr Barker, but I was giving my new friend here a grand tour of this school and who would be better to give the tour then the principal's pride and joy itself." She battered her lashes and I almost burst out laughing. It's ridiculous but genius. I covered my mouth with my hand and bit my lip. "Char?" I looked at Brittany questioningly. She flickered her eyes to the teacher and I almost face palmed.

"What did you say?" I asked bluntly. He exhaled a puff of air earning some people to laugh.

"I said for you to introduce yourself to the class." I nodded and faced the class of questioning eyes, some were half asleep others just sat there thinking about unimportant things like this little speech I'm about to do.

"Sure, well my name's Charley. If you didn't already guess, I've never lived anywhere like Sydney. I lived in the outskirts of Townsville my whole life, until now I guess." I spoke confidently. A few hands shot up and I chuckled. "Ok you?"

"Do you like Sydney, Charley?" A very stereotypical 'nerd' boy at the front asked, I smiled and did a half n' half sign with my hand.

"It's alright, different. The water tastes different here." I laughed. I pointed to anyone in the back.

"Do you want me to butter your biscuit?" A dark haired boy at the back winked, he was cute, pretty muscular, probably a NRL player, hopefully not a gay F.L player. The class burst out in hysterics.

"Mate, if your gonna quote a movie like Mean Girls, at least quote one of the good pick up lines." I sassed, making the class 'Ohhh'.

"Ok have a seat Charley." Mr Baker smiled, I nodded and sat beside Brittany.

When that class which turned out to be English was over, we had maths and now it's lunch, I was walking with Brittany down the quiet hall to the lunch area, when a door swung open and hit me in the face. My bum came into contact with the ground and my eyes watered.

"Fuck." I cussed to myself.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry, are you ok?" A deep boy's voice spoke. The person helped me up and I opened my eyes to see the cutest boy, in my life time. He had blonde hair in a messy quiff, light blue eyes, and he wore a dark blue shirt and black skinny jeans with tares. I almost hiccuped I was so nervous. Ahh why? This is so embarrassing because I hadn't replied yet! Brittany was behind him looking at me wide eyed.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it happens a lot." His eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. Crap. "No, Umm not getting hit with doors, but I ahh play a lot of sport and I saved many goals with my face so I'm kinda use to the pain." I rambled. Okay stop talking. "My face is like a ball magnet." My eyes widened at realisation at what I had spat out. "I did not mean that."

Aww now you do something about your stupid behaviour.

Shut up self conscience.

He grinned revealing the most adorable smile. "Umm, I'm Luke."

I thought for a second, had I actually forgot my name right now? "I'm agh." I nervously spoke. I looked at Britt for help and she mouthed it. "Charley. That's it." I smiled, He smirked.

"Welcome to Norwest, Charley." He smiled before beginning to leave. "Oh hey Brittany, what's up?"

"Same as usual Luke." She side smiled sarcastically, before he fully left. I exhaled a deep breath. "He grinned revealing the most adorable smile." She playfully spoke dramatically.

"Shut u- wait. I said that out loud?" She nodded laughing. "How much did I say?"

"Enough sweetheart." She began to dance with me, spinning each other around the polished floor.

"That's so embarrassing." I exhaled. "I understand why you were gawking at me now!" I laughed.

"You so like him though. I can't believe you've fallen for Luke Hemmings on your first day and he totally digs you." She giggled.

"I don't like him, he's just intimidating and very attractive to be honest, but I'm not letting myself fall for a boy that I don't even know." I groaned. "Unlike Disney, I'm going my own way."

Odds are, he doesn't 'dig' me, he looks like a fricken god, all the girls at this damn school would gawk at him every time he walked a past, I wouldn't stand a chance next to some obsessive girl. It'd be like the Team Edward and Team Jacob fight scene in 'Vampires Suck', and I don't feel like being stabbed in the head from a rabid girl with a rake.

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