I wheezed, feeling my lungs collapsing on themselves. My back was hunched over and I felt sweat beading on my forehead sorta. Britt groaned laughing at me.

"Dude that was like 2 flights of stairs." I puffed out, resting my hands on my knees.

"It was more like 4 steps." Britt laughed hysterically. I looked back and true to God it was only a few steps. I'm so unfit, if I run to the fridge and back, I'd be on the ground in sweaty tears.

"I mean, they're pretty steep." I shrugged, speaking with a slice of sarcasm. "Man I'm hungry!" Even though I did eat like 20 minutes ago.

"Seriously how are you thin? You eat like a trucker." She asked again.

"I don't even know, I eat Macca's like 3 times a week, and I don't just get the nuggets, I get like two big Angus burgers, chips, coke, ice-cream you name it." I wheeze. Catching my breath. "I guess my unhealthy eating habits are catching up to me now." I noticed Britt's eyes sparkle with excitement, which of course I knew was a bad idea for me. I repeatedly prayed, that she was excited by the British lollie shop. Here we got about food again. But no of course it wouldn't be, as we were facing a god damn girl shop.

"Come on let's go to ALLY." She spoke dragging me into the overpowering vanilla scented shop. The walls were a light pink and clothes racks were all around, including those weird half body mannequins that I always accidentally mistaken for real people each time I enter a store. True, this one time I was in a store in Townsville with my dad and I had a full conversation with the mannequin, I didn't directly look at so I didn't notice. So I guess that's why all those people stared at me. The fashion sense in here wasn't bad or anything, it just wasn't me. But then again my style would be trackies and marvel superhero shirts if mum let me.

I gazed through racks of random things before coming across a dress that actually caught my eye. I wasn't one for dresses, but I want to sort of fit in here, and if wearing a stupid dress to a stupid party meant a different better life here, well then count me in, for only one time though I hope. It was a black, mid thigh, holster spaghetti strap dress, not to tight, not too puffy, but just right.

"Try it on." Britt's voice spoke behind me, I turned around to look at her. She shook her head grabbed my size and pushed me into the dressing room. While she hopped into the other with a short white dress with a U chest cut out.(http://stillnessmeetsme.tumblr.com/image/68322461979)

I slipped my clothes off, looking at my curvy figure in the mirror. Thank fuck for clothes right? My stomach wasn't flat, I have tree trunk legs and I defiantly do not have a thigh gap and I had stretch marks on my hips. People may call me names like fat, thunder thighs, root hips but honestly, I couldn't care what others thought about me, it's what I think about myself what really matters. Don't let people bring you down, odds are the people picking on you will go nowhere with their lives and you'll create Google 2 or something. Humans aren't perfect, we're not suppose to be, so why do we go through all this pain to look 'perfect'. That word though, it just doesn't make sense, why use it when nothing is truly 'perfect'.

I pulled the comfortable dress on, and turned back to look in the mirror. I didn't look half bad, it hugged my body perfectly and it actually looked pretty good with my skin colour. I stood out of the dressing room, the same time Britt did and we both looked at each other, her dress looked great on her.

"Buy it." We spoke in unison.

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