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This is going to be an interesting chapter :) hope y’all enjoy!  




I was let out of the hospital two weeks later.  My vision still swam like I was in a washing machine if I stood up too quickly but that was bearable.  My stab-wound pain was a completely different story.  The doctor said that by the time it was healed, there would be just a thin, white scar line from the injury and that the pain would diminish over time.  Over time by butt… the pain was so acute I mentally thought that the doctor was on crack when he said that.  He gave me pain killers too, although I made a mental promise to myself to use them as little as possible.  I didn’t want to become dependent on them, you know?

Mr. and Mrs. Davenport came to pick me up.  My parents and Genette were also there but only to bring my suitcase… okay suitcases of clothes and everything else I might need.  I knew my mom packed because she and I had the same mindset when it came to packing.  We were sensible about it.  My brother and father though?  God, every time, it looked like a nuclear bomb went off in their suitcases when they packed.

My mom brought me my favorite pair of blue sweat pants and a white camisole with my favorite pair of flip-flops to wear.  Have I ever said how much I love my mom?  I put the outfit on and shuffled to the door where everyone was waiting.  There was a wheel chair waiting for me but I insisted I was perfectly fine to walk, even though my stomach was hurting.  Reluctantly they agreed.  When we got the Davenports’ car (which happened to be a Porsche Panamera), I hugged my family goodbye before getting into the car.  My brother had already loaded my suitcases into the car.  Mr. Davenport then started driving home.  I fell asleep on the way there; my dreams were of Rald and Bailey and me punching the living daylights out of both of them.  It was quite gratifying.

It took a little under an hour to arrive at the Davenports’ home.  I woke up just as we were pulling into the garage.  Right when I stepped out of the car, my leg was hugged by a little boy with blonde hair.


“Jackson!” I exclaimed, picking him up and hugging him.  I couldn’t believe how much he’d grown.  It was incredible.  And he could talk!

“Hey, Blaze,” Melissa said cheerfully. “Your room is all set up.  Jackson was demanding you take the room next to his.”

I laughed. “That is perfectly okay.”

Mr. Davenport lugged my bags out of the car and to my room, something I graciously thanked him for.

“Nonsense!  I wouldn’t hear of you carrying your bags to your room!” he declared.  I gave him a hug and set Jackson down but he refused to leave my side.  Melissa tried to persuade him to let me have some alone time but I insisted he was fine to stay in my room.  So after I put in a Scooby-Doo movie, I set to packing while he watched the TV.  I’ll admit I might have stopped to watch the movie too because who doesn’t like Scooby-Doo?

I put my clothes in the dresser drawers, separating out shorts and pants in one drawer and shirts and camisoles in another, with socks and such going all in another drawer.  I’m OCD when it comes to organizing things like that.  Afterwards, I plopped down gingerly on my bed (to avoid irritating my stab wound was itching maddeningly).

The movie finished right as supper was ready.  I turned off the television and while Jackson raced downstairs, I took my time because my whole body was sore from Rald kicking me repeatedly.  The doctors didn’t know how I didn’t have any broken ribs; truth be told, neither did I.  However, the bruises were still severe enough to cause me pain when I walked.

The Razgriz Aces [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now