Ghosts of Razgriz

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Hey y’all, so this took longer to update than I anticipated so I’m sorry for that. I forgot to mention in Chapter 23: Ancient Walls that some of the dialogue was given to me by LaZardo because Geller is LaZardo’s character in this.  So I thank you for that :) Anyway, I hope y’all enjoy the chapter!

Quote of the Chapter:

“Fail, and your friends feel superior.  Succeed, and they feel resentful.”

~Mason Cooley


Ghosts of Razgriz


December 13, 2010…

            I headed to Geller’s room with my tea and his coffee in hand.  It was about eleven in the afternoon.  I had majorly overslept but it had felt good to catch up on sleep because I had seriously been deprived of it.  I asked Genette why no one had bothered to wake me up and apparently there had been no reason to.  I didn’t complain but I’ve certainly never heard of any soldier being allowed to sleep in.  I guess this was a first.  Hell, my whole career as a pilot had been full of firsts.  I was the youngest pilot to ever become a captain of a squadron in Osean Air Force history.  I was the first pilot to ever beat an instructor my first time at a ‘hop,’ which are practices at the Air Force Academy.  I was the youngest pilot to be accepted to Sand Island.  Most pilots went to a different base before being transferred to Sand Island.  I was also the first pilot to stand up to the damn Base Commander at Sand Island.  That boy needed a good slap in the face… now if only I had actually slapped him.

I had hardly realized that I had entered Geller’s room until he broke me out of my thoughts by saying, “You look deep in thought.”

I looked up and shook my head as if to clear my head. “Yeah, just following my labyrinth of a mind.  I brought you some coffee.”

I handed him the coffee and sat down in the chair opposite his bed.

“So, did you have a good night’s sleep?”

“I did,” Geller responded in his usual formal, monotone voice.

“Have any weird dreams?”

“No.  Why do you ask?  Did you?”

“Well, if you call dreaming about being changed into a vampyre with a ‘Y’ instead of an ‘I’ and then meeting a hottie adult vamp named Erik Night, then yes, I would say I did have a weird dream.”

“… House of Night series?”

“How did you know?”

“My sister was telling me about the series,” Geller said nonchalantly.

“Did she tell you that the main character has a majorly screwed up love life?”

“She mentioned it, yes.”

“My god, three boyfriends at one time.  It’s hard enough keeping one in line.”

“You act like men are your equals.”

“They are.  This isn’t Belka.  This isn’t a patriarchy.  Even if it was, I would still have the habit of bossing people around.  I guess you could call it a fault in me.”

“You would not survive in Belka… but then again, the men would respect you at the same time although they would not show it.”

“Do you ever use contractions?” I suddenly asked.

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