Welcome to Hell

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You wake up in a place you can only describe as Hell.
You are in a dark room.
The floor, from what you can tell, is blood red.
It is almost pitch black.
You can hardly see a thing.
The room is more like a hallway than anything.
You feel the walls, trying to find an exit.
It is extremely hot.
You walk down the hallway for what seems like forever.
No answer.
You finally reach a door, but it's locked.
What the fuck is going on here?
It's Jeff.
There's a scream.
"Jeff!" you yell.
Is-is that y-you, (y/n)?
Jeff! Where are you?
I d-don't k-know where.
Just hang in there. I'll find you if its the last thing I do!
You slam your body into the door.
W-who's knocking o-on the d-door? Is it y-you?
If you can hear that, it's me!
Be careful. Th-they care hear you and o-our baby!
You bash into the door again, but it's no use.
You sit outside the door, just waiting for something, when you see a small crack in the wall.
It's still very dark, but you can see something shimmering inside the crack.
The key!
You have to dig your hands into the hot wall to get to the key.
You finally get to it and unlock the door.
When you get inside the room, it is lit up and what you see frightens you.
You see Jeff, bloody and beaten.
You run to him and hug him.
He's half conscious, but he still hugs back.
Someone walks inside the room.
"Smart girl." he says.
What you see is the embodiment of evil, the devil, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Satan, The father of Hell, Zalgo.
"What have you done to him?!?!" you shout.
"He's still alive, don't worry. I just want to talk."
"What the hell do you want?" you ask, pissed.
"I would like to give an offer."
"I would like to offer you the chance to change sides."
"Not in a million years!"
"If you don't, your boyfriend will die! He's barely holding on by a thread!" he yells.
"D-don't do it..."
You look down to see it's Jeff.
"But you'll die if I don't! I'm torn!"
Masky and Hoodie walk in.
"If you don't join me, these two will kill him right before your eyes."
"I-I'll die either w-way." Jeff says.
At this point, you don't know what to believe.
You lie right beside him, looking at stab marks.
"I-I won't join you-"
"Masky, Hoodie-"
"But I won't let Jeff die either!"
You run and jump them.
You still have your knife, so you decide to fight.
"You dumb bitch! You think you can win against the devil?"
"No, but I can try!" you shout.
Masky punches you in the stomach, and you stumble back in pain.
"The b-baby!" Jeff yells.
He tries to stand up, and is hunched over, but standing.
"You won't kill my child too. I won't let you!"
His voice is steady, determined.
"Look at you! You can barely stand, so how could you save your girlfriend and child?" Zalgo yells.
Hoodie gets behind Jeff and stabs him in the back.
He doubles over and passes out.
"Time's-a-ticking, (y/n)."
I want you to know, (y/n), I love you more than you could ever know....
You begin to cry.
"Aw, looks like he's dead. You'll have to join me now!"
"No matter what happens, I'll never join you!"
Oh, Jeff....
Tears are are streaming down your face now.
You sit there, by his corpse, crying.
You're holding his corpse, thinking This can't be happening!
"My dear, this is just sad. He's dead. Just get over it!"
"Fuck off."
"An attitude, huh?"
"I said FUCK OFF!"
"You can't tell a demon of my caliber what to do. I will murder your child."

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