His Identity

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You wake up to a screeching sound at your window.
You look at the window to find nothing, just your window.
You close your eyes for a couple seconds, trying to get back to sleep when there was that sound again.
This time there was a breeze following and footsteps.
*creak* *creak* *creak* you hear.
Then there's the sound of something hitting the floor.
You start shaking as you hear the thing that came in through your window pick up the item that dropped and come toward your side of the bed.
Eyes still shut, you are trembling in fear.
No! Not again!
You can't keep your eyes shut any longer.
As you open your eyes, the figure is right in front of you, holding a large knife.
Your reflexes take over and as the figure swings the blade down at you, you quickly dodge and get behind it.
You grab the person's arms and hold them behind their back.
"Missed me." you say.
"It seems you just won't GO TO SLEEP!" they say back.
Their voice boomed so loud that you got frightened and dropped their arms.
Oh shit!
They swing at you and you duck, but the knife still catches your face.
You cringe in pain briefly and duck as they swing again.
You are chased into the hallway as you were last time.
This is where I gave out last time. This time, I'm not weak! This time, I'm prepared! I'm going to see who the hell this is!
"(y/n)," they say, "remember how you treated me? You treated me like a friend! We... We watched the sky together! You thought of me as a friend! Well, guess what? We were never friends and never will be!"
They swing down at you, stopping at the sound of a voice, "Hey, Jeff! You done there yet? Slendy needs to talk, now. He's pissed."
He locks you in your room and goes downstairs to talk to the voice.
You open your window and look outside to see three figures.
One is about your height, with brown, shaggy hair, weird goggles with yellow lenses, and carrying two hatchets.
The one thing that pops out to you the most is a scarf or handkerchief with a strange smile pattern on it.
Another, tall, with no face, wearing a black suit.
There are many tendrils coming off this one.
The other, a white blood-soaked hoody, black dress pants, holding a knife.
This one was turned so you couldn't see the face, but you assumed it was Jeff.
You could hear them talking about something, but you didn't know what.
All you could distinctly hear was, "Hurry, finish her off so you can get back to your job!"
And the reply, "No, right now she's too fast, but she knows too much."
The blank-faced figure slaps his face and suddenly appears before you.
You black out.
When you awaken, you do not remember the incident last night.
What the hell happened? Fuck! My face!
Your face was sore.
You looked in the mirror and saw the slash mark on your face.
Damn, something got me good!
You turned on the tv to see the news, not knowing about what you were about to see.
The headline read: "Murderer is Back and More Creative Than Ever?"
It showed a warning to the squeamish, then a photo of the latest murder.
It was a head stuffed with what looked like intestines.
The torso beside it, emptied of organs.
You felt too sick after the first image to look at the others.
You quickly turned off the tv and ran to the bathroom to vomit.
Shit, man! That was sick!
You decided to take the day off, whether you had school or didn't.
You went back to sleep, still not feeling well.
You wake up to someone sitting on your bed.
You turn around to see who it was, and to your surprise, it's Jeff, with his knife, but not threatening your life.
"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE?!?!" you shout in fear.
"Oh darling, I come and go as I please. If I wanted to kill you today, I would've done it already." he says chill.
"I don't trust you. Last time I saw you, you tried to slash my throat."
He gives you a quizzical look.
"Slendy must've erased your memory... He chewed my head off last night. So did Toby. Those two have it out for me."
Toby? Slendy? I could've sworn I've heard of them before...
"Still, I don't trust you!"
"Like I said, if I wanted to kill you, I would've done it already. Unless..." he grabs you quick and holds the knife up to your throat, "you want me to kill you."

A New Creepypasta Love (Jeff the killerx Reader)Where stories live. Discover now