A Murderer?

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Your mother opens the door to let you go to school.
It's Friday, good.
You get dressed in an MCR shirt, dark blue skinny jeans, and a grey beanie.
You grab another granola bar and your bag and get on the bus.
Your friend rides the bus again.
"Hey." she says very glum.
You don't say anything because you see that Jeff is riding your bus.
You sit next to him.
"Hey, (y/n)! So, did anything happen last night?" he asks.
"Not last night, but this morning, and I really don't feel like talking about it." you reply.
"I got my head chewed off, and I wasn't able to do my job last night." he says.
"What job?" you ask suspicious.
"Oh, well, I, uh... I babysit! I was late getting to a house last night and the parents weren't so happy." he lets out.
Ok then... Something isn't right about this...
"My mom wasn't home last night so I listened to music and looked around on the internet."
"Did you find anything?"
"Yeah, I found a website, creepypasta.com, I think it was called. I read some stories there. I found one..." you stopped mid-sentence, thinking you were being annoying.
"What was it called?" Jeff asks.
"Oh, it's nothing." you say casually.
"What was it called?" he asks again, more forcefully.
Is this kid about to throw a fit about me not telling him what a stupid story is called?
"Um, okay, it was called 'Jeff the Killer'. It was pretty interesting." you say, trying to avoid any arguing.
This is all he says for the rest of the bus ride.
Jeff doesn't even talk when you are in school.
He seems distracted, distraught.
Later, school is evacuated for the day because of another murder that happened last night.
Another murder? This town is going to shit! Though, I didn't even know there were murders until this morning...
When you got home, your mom was still at work.
You texted your friend whom you see on the bus everyday.

Me: hey, wasup?
Friend: nothin' just bored
Me: can you come over? I'm lonely here lol
Friend: no, my parents don't want me going out because of the murders
Me: too bad :( I wanted to show you a website I found
Friend: well,  maybe another time ;)

Well, that plan failed.
You decide to go on creepypasta.com again.
Before going on the internet, you turn on "Welcome to the Black Parade" by My Chemical Romance and start singing along automatically...

"When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city, to see a marching band..."

You find other stories like "Ticci Toby", "Smile.dog", and "Your Time is Up".
These stories are intriguing, so you keep reading.
You still found the "Jeff the Killer" story a little strange.
The picture looks like the Jeff from school.
He acted strange when he found out you were reading the story.
He is hiding something, but you can't put your finger on it.
You decide to turn on the news and see what's up with these murders.
"Murderer Still at Large- We recommend families stay inside their homes for safety."
I need to get my mind off of this.
You see something interesting as you were about to turn off the tv.
"We have a sketch of the criminal from an attack survivor." Says the newsman.
I don't want to see.
You turn off the tv before they could show the sketch.
You hear the door open and your mom comes in.
You take a look at the time on your phone.
11:45 damn, I've been up for a while!
You go to bed before your mother catches you up.
The dream you have is the same as last time, the dark room, the kerosene lamp, the voice.
You wake up chilled to the bone.
The window is open when you never open it.
You get up, close it, and lay back down in bed, since it was still dark outside.
What happens next goes by so fast.
Someone stands to the side of your bed and grabs you.
They put a knife next to your neck and say, "GO. TO. SLEEP!"
It's a male voice, but not one you've heard before.
The voice is demonic, inhuman.
The man stabs your side and you shriek in pain.
He starts carving intricate lines on your side and stomach.
You are too weak from blood loss to fight back.
You slip away from his grasp enough to run into the hallway, and then you collapse.
You are too weak to go any further.
He kneels down to you and carves something into your shoulder.
At this time, you are able to get a look at his face.
Eyes, dark and soulless.
Skin, pale like paper.
A carved smile, going from ear to ear.
His smile somehow widens.
As he is about to slit your throat, the light in your mom's room turns on.
"Shit. You're lucky. You get to live... For now..." He says and jumps out your window.

(a/n) here's a long one for ya! So what do you think will happen next?

A New Creepypasta Love (Jeff the killerx Reader)Where stories live. Discover now