The Point of Insanity (slight lemon warning)

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"My sanity?" you question.
"Yes. Your mental bind allows Jeff's thoughts, emotions, and insanity flow through you. His insanity took over when you killed your mother and when you and Jeff went on a spree." Slendy answers.
You are scared now, that you might lose complete control.
You might change into an entire different person.
Just the thought of it sends shivers down your spine.
"He can turn you into a weapon, (y/n)."
"I have one question, " you say, "when are you going to bring back (y/bff/n)?!??"
"I've been waiting for my power to  return. I will do it tonight."
Slendy leaves.
You and Jeff decide to watch the evening news.
The headline reads, "A New Killer?!?!".
"We have witnesses saying they saw a young girl and the original murderer walking into a house where the newest victims were found. Some witnesses say they saw the same young girl walk into the (y/l/n) household where a mother was found stabbed to death." says the newsman.
"Well it seems they figured me out." you joke.
I hope people don't recognize its you.
People from school probably know.
Ben walks in.
"(y/n), Slendy says he wants you to go to your school. It has started up again, but there is a police force protecting the area. He wants you to go, since you are still pretty young." he says.
It was true.
You were younger than the others.
"But won't people know I'm the other murderer?" you ask.
"Apparently no. The news people don't have a description of you, and they don't have a sketch, so you should be fine."
"Okay, fine."
And with that, Ben leaves.
"Aw, hell. Looks like I have to go if it's Slender's orders." you say.
Seems like it.
Why are you talking through the mental bind?
I just prefer it.
You both continue to watch the news and look at the murders.
You feel something in your mind start to give as Jeff gives a diabolical look.
Your thoughts are being clouded again.
I'm not even-
Your thoughts are completely blocked out.
You walk to the bathroom with your knife and carve a half smile into your face.
As you walk out, you ask Jeff, "Aren't I beautiful?"
"Hey that's my li-" he stops, looking at you, shocked.
You push him onto his back on his bed.
"What are you-"
You steal a kiss from his lips.
(Jeff"s POV)
She kissed me before I could finish my sentence.
It was much deeper than before, and I could taste her blood.
She started to take off my shirt and grasped the knife in her hand tightly.
I stared into her dark, blank eyes.
This was not her.
This sex-crazed monster was not her.
She got my shirt off and stabbed my side.
I cringed in pain and tried to push her off of me, but failed.
What the fuck?!?!
Jeff, aren't you enjoying this? This is wonderful, right? Hahaha... HAHAHAHAHA!
What are you?
No answer.
She undressed me slowly and started undressing herself.
Nothing could prepare me for this.
She leaned down, pressing her breasts against my chest.
She stabbed my side again.
Everything felt hot, between the intense pain and being almost completely nude.
Stop this!
I won't stop, you are mine now.
I said STOP!
She snapped out of her trance, and sat on top of me, crying.
(Normal POV)
You were knocked out of your trance by Jeff's screaming.
You looked down at what you had done, and started to cry.
"(y/n).... Please, don't cry." he says.
"I-I... What have I done?" you cry.
"I'll be fine." he assures you.
"Fine? How could you be fine? I just hurt the only one I-I love..." you get out.
"(y/n), I'll heal, it's not like I'm going to die. The stab wounds aren't even that deep."
He holds your face.
"Look at yourself. You're beautiful. Now, get dressed and we'll get us both patched up."
You look down at yourself and see your naked body.
You run to a corner and hug your knees.
"He saw me naked...." you whisper to yourself.
Your face heats up and you know you must be blushing pretty bad.
He walks over to you with his hoodie.
"Put this on. I couldn't find your clothes." he says.
You put on the hoodie, "Thank you."
You looked at him.
He still has no pants on and no shirt, considering he gave you his hoodie.
Jeff was only in his underwear.
He held his hand down for you to grab.
With his help, you stood up.
The hoodie just barely covered your butt.
You could tell your face was still red, but so was his.
You were both embarrassed.
He told you to get Slendy.
You did as told, but never did change clothes.
You enjoyed the feeling of his hoodie.
It felt as if you were surrounded by Jeff's warmth.
You and Slendy made it back to Jeff's room with some stuff to do stitches with.
Slendy patched up Jeff and sewed your mouth back up.
It looked as if you had BVB mouth. (I had to)
"So, what exactly happened here and why are you both half naked?" Slendy asks.
You both blush deeply and you tell him what happened.
"Jeff, what were you thinking of when this started?"
"I was thinking about what a good job I had done last night." Jeff answers.
"It's the little things like that that can change everything. Be more careful next time. If this happens at school, our identity will be revealed."
"I will be more careful."
Slendy nods, then leaves.
You two are alone again.
Both of you are blushing, and all of a sudden, Jeff kisses you.
He pushes you down on the bed and pulls up the hoodie.
Somebody walks in.
It's Toby, eating a waffle.
He walks backward slowly and starts to close the door until you scream, "Wait!"
"Was I interrupting something, (y/n)?" he asks.
"A little, but what were you going to say?"
"It's time for dinner. Today is a celebration for you joining us."

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