Chapter Twenty-Two

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The next few days felt like years to Joe, Caspar, Katie and Oli. Counting down each moment, waiting for Saturday when all would be revealed. They knew everything would end badly, and though the hacker said they were sorry, they were still confused on whether to trust them or not.

But right now it was Saturday, 2PM. All four of them were at Oli's house, crowded around the table and discussing what to do.

"I don't think we should trust them." Katie admitted. "Like if they did all of this, I'm fairly sure they would apologise and not give their identity."
Joe shook his head in disagreement. "Maybe they just want to apologise and own up to what they did. There's nothing wrong with that."
"I just don't know..." She muttered, her voice fading as her ideas did too. "It just all seems a bit off, do you get what I mean?"

Caspar hummed. "Yeah, I know what you mean. I still think me and Joe should go though. It's not like they are going to murder us." Oli chuckled a bit, making Caspar turn to around to face him. "What? You think me and Joe dying is funny?"
Oli's eyes widened, and his lips set into a straight line. He looked shocked, before shaking his head. "Nah man, just funny that's all. Not the dying part! You just think out of the box!"

With that confusion out of the way, they all began to plan what they are going to do. After about half an hour of arguing, they decided that Joe and Caspar should go and Katie and Oli should hide in the bush if Joe and Caspar needed support. Even though Joe was terrified of finding out who and why they did all of this, he was really intrigued.

Why would someone want to cause so much pain on someone? He never got it. Same with bullying, too. It's that kind of thing that swooped over his head, how someone would feel the need to pick on someone because they were different. Or maybe he just thought that because he had never experienced bullying or been a bully.
Well, apart from to Caspar. But that was equal, Caspar was just as bad.

"What do we do when we find out though? Scream? Run away? Run away screaming? Sprinkle salt in a circle around us?" Caspar questioned.
"Sprinkle salt in a circle? Are you okay?"
He rolled his eyes. "It's something you do to protect yourself from demons I think. I don't know, I can't be sure, I saw it on SpongeBob. Except it was some kind of animal sea thing, not a demon."

And this was one of the few moments where Joe asked himself; why the hell do I like this guy?

"I think you should just be all like, 'Leave us alone!' And then hopefully they will and yeah." Katie suggested, biting her lip. "But I like the run away screaming idea, I'm sure that would give off a good impression. I think they'd be scared to bother you again if you did that."
Joe sighed jokingly, "So that's something on our 'NO' list."
"Hey! At least consider it!"


Time had passed by, and now with the clock reading 5:50 Joe was certain he was going to pass out. Caspar seemed to be the same, as he was anxiously biting his finger nails.
"Stop doing that." Joe whispered, but it was so quiet that Caspar didn't hear him. Katie and Oli were currently in the bush nearest to the park so they could see what was happening, with their phones ready to record if they needed to.

Joe and Caspar were stood in the middle of the park, patiently waiting for the hacker to come and tell them everything. Or this was just a huge set-up, and they had fallen deep for it.
"Do you think they would just come out? And admit? Who do you think it is?" Joe had so many questions running though his head he couldn't reply to Caspar's.
"Wait, look. There's someone coming towards us."
And it was that moment where Joe's heart could have stopped, he felt his stomach drop to his feet with worry. He bit his lip roughly.

There was a person coming towards them, with a hoodie over their head so you couldn't see their identity. The person reached Caspar and Joe, and looked up and took off her hood with a smirk on her face.

"Carly?" Caspar gasped, his eyes widening.
"Why am I not surprised?" Joe mumbled, sending her a death glare. "You are always the one to spoil everything. No wonder you hacked that newspaper."
She chuckled, rolling her eyes slightly. "Still haven't worked it out, huh?"
Confusion littered both of their faces, "Worked what out?" Caspar asked.

"That I'm not the main hacker. I'm the messer, surprise I guess. But I think you'll have a real surprise once you find out who it is."
"What the-" Caspar had to contain his anger. "Carly you better explain everything, now!"

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