Chapter. 31 [Miscarriage?]

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Passion POV:

I couldn't believe what I was hearing come out of Malik's mouth, Miscarriage? Me? How could this be I didn't even know I was pregnant in the first place. I hold onto Malik as I cried on his shoulder still lying in bed.

"Baby its gonna okay, let it all out." He whispered in my ear consoling me.

I slowly let him and wiped away my tears. "Malik how could this happen? I didn't even know I was pregnant."

"Me either baby, he said you were 2 weeks pregnant."

I begin to cry some more. "Oh my god! Why did this have to happen to me?! I'm soo sorry Malik."

He grabbed my chin into his hands and face me towards him. "Baby you don't have to apologize to me for nothing , you hear me?! Passion it wasn't yo fault you need to stop blaming yourself , shit happens."

I nodded my head in agreement as I pull him close and kissed him on the lips softly.

"How did you k ow it was yours?" I asked him

"Cus I know you wouldn't do nothing behind my back."

I nodded and caressed his cheek in my palms.

"I heard what happen." Walked in Lateek.

We both looked at him and nod.

"I'm sorry Pash."

"Its fine, it wasn't yo fault."

He walks over and hugs me as I hug him and Malik nods his head as he release me and then they dap each other.

What the hell am I missing?

6 months later ...

Bet you wondering what happen during those 6 months, well let me tell you.

Me and Malik was happily together and deeply in love, but we both went our separate ways to college. we always kept in contact and talked everyday on the phone and face time each other, on breaks we would go to our home and spend our remainder time together.

Lateek became a good friend of mines, we still had love for each other and always kept in contact too, I spoke to him every once in a while. He was still hustling on the streets but was having different thoughts and deciding it was time to get out for he seriously gets hurt and open a car shop, he loves car and knows mostly everything there is to know about em. He recently got a girlfriend name Prisilla and she seems sweet , well of what he tells me.

My parents got a divorce after my mom caught my dad cheating with who you would never expect, Sasha nasty ass.

Some friend I've got right? Well about her she died 2 months ago in a shoot out at ratchet strip club she was working at. I went to her funeral I honestly felt sorry for the girl, but then a Lil hatred hang around me. Never knew what I did to deserve a friend like her, but boy did she play the role good!

As for Derrick, poor derrick. He died also soon as he join the game he was shot instantly being that it was a set up on his first try. Me and Malik both went to his funeral saying some good things about him. He'll never be forgotten.

Oh! And I forget I'm 3 months prego with Malik's twins and I can't wait for their due date and my babies to come out. I decided I was gonna finish school until my due date is near and then I will be finishing school on computer until I'm back on track and then I will let the twins stay with my mom and malik's mom while I'm back at school.

Malik said he will leave school too, but i don't want him too, he's doing so good in school and Basketball and he haves a future ahead of him of becoming a professional NBA player, and I don't wanna get in the way of that. He promise on break he will be there for me and his kids.

Until then...

Thanks for reading!

Comment if you think I should make a second story of them, thanks.

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