➳Chapter 1

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"I understand the circumstances perfectly fine father," I spoke into the telephone, leaning back in my office chair.

"You need to have a wife and a new assistant while Mrs. Harrison is out due to pregnancy," my father explain.

"I know. I know. You've said this a hundred times now dad," I rolled my eyes.

"I don't think you get how extremely important this actually is Kyle. You can't keep your image up just as a young bachelor forever," he continued to lecture.

"I get it dad." I was beginning to become irritated with his lack of trust in me.

"Ok, I sure hope you do cause you already know how hard it is to take care of yourself and now you're taking on the responsibility of your niece Katrina too. Are you sure that was the right choice?" he asked seeming skeptical.

"Yes I know that's what Jennifer would want if she was still here to take care of her own daughter," I said.

"You're going to need help eventually Kyle I'm just trying to look out for you," he sounded sad all of a sudden.

"I know dad thank you. But I have business to take care of so I need to go."

"Bye Kyle."

"Bye dad," and with that I hung the phone up.

What did I just get myself into? Where am I going to find a wife and assistant?


"Watch where you're going you jerk," I yell over my shoulder at a guy that just ran into me.

I hate the streets of New York. Everyone is always in a rush and moving with the crowd. Except for that guy I just walked by that didn't get the memo that he was walking on the wrong side of the sidewalk.

I crossed the street with the rest of the crowd and turned right. Walking onto a street with a bunch of toy stores. Maybe it's still the kid in me that still loves to come and look at the new toys.

I walk into a store called 'Gerald's Toy Store'. This one has to be my favorite out of all of them.

My mum used to bring me here when I was little every time we came to New York on a business trip or something. Now that I live here in the city I try to come here as often as possible.

I went directly to the doll section where they have hundreds of Barbies. They have a small play area with an actual dollhouse and dolls you can play with.

I started walking over to the play area but stopped halfway when I noticed a little girl playing with the dolls by herself.

She had long brown hair and tan skin. She had brown doe eyes and she was kneeling down next to the dollhouse dressing up one of the Barbie's.

I slowly walked over to her kneeling down next to her. Her head snapped up and her brown eyes met my blue ones.

"Hi," I smiled at her.

"Hi," she said softly.

"Do you mind if I play with you?" I asked.

"No," she reached over handing me a Barbie.

"What's your name?" I questioned not sure if she was going to tell a random stranger or not.

"Katrina but I like to go by Katie," she smiled blushing a little.

"That's a very pretty name Katie," I complimented her.

"Thank you..." she trailed off for a second, "What's your name?"

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