Welcome to the Darkside.

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I remember.  Everything feels so, heavy. The darkness took control of me and took me to this mind cage where I sit, waiting.  That's all I can do until I wake.  I wonder how long I have been out of it.

"Hiccup- Hiccup". The voice kept getting clearer and soon the weight was lifted and my eyes opened.


It's been three days scene I was kidnapped and taken to the dark and eerie cell of a rundown building.  Dry blood stained what was left of my torn shirt and on the back of my head. 

"Sir, he's fully awake."  I still don't know who the leader is and why they took me but all I know is that I have to get out of here before it's too late. 

"Well, looky' here, lads.  We've finally caught ourselves the prince.  Now maybe he'll answer my questions about the girl."  His mischievous smirk put a frown upon my face of not only worry but confusion as well.

"What, girl?" I questioned back.  That is when a heavy blow came to the side of my head, followed by other dangerous and destructive blows came to my entire body. 


The Girl:

The scream of him filled my head.  The cold of the snow rushed through my veins as the wind blew around me.

"They have him, my'lady.  What are we ever going to do."  I opened my eyes.

"As of tonight, we will wait until it becomes apart of our battle."  I stood from the stone I was previously knelling on.  "However, I need you to prepare my ship and my two dragons.  Also, could you you tell Ward to get himself ready.  Thank you."  I sat back down and closed my eyes and watched the blond and the broken brother...

((HEY OUT THERE!!!! I just decided to give an early Christmas gift Hope you liked the first chapter of the many cliff hangers- I mean greatness.  Can any of you take a guess as to who the girl might be? Hint: She is my own creation and reread the text.))

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