Chapter 32

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I am so thankful for you all. I have had so many reads from this story and my other two. All of you are amazing!!

This chapter is dedicated to ChristinePocockRocke and brea87 thanks for the votes.

Don't forget to vote and comment for a chapter to be dedicated to you. At the end of the story, the entire story will be dedicated to someone so keep voting.

I was in combat mode. I was ready to pounce on him just as much as he wanted to on me. For some reason he didn't move, instead he turned and looked at Janessa.

"And the queen?" he asked.

I don't understand, I thought he was out to get me.

"Oh, I am on my way to get her now." I stood in a threatening pose. If he was affiliated with her then he would still try to kill me. I would on the other hand give him the benefit of the doubt.

"I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. It was never my intentions to harm you. I am actually quite glad that he is dead," she said glancing at Janessa. She squeezed his hand and he spoke again, "We are ready to serve you and will do whatever you say."

He stood on one knee and bowed his head. I was flattered, really I was, but she was still alive.

Before I could speak I heard a howl and then a growl. We all looked at each other.

"Daisy, what is it that you need to tell me?"


The smell that I encountered earlier was getting stronger. I couldn't believe what Daisy had told me. I had to see for myself.

Standing at the top of another staircase I saw him, my brother.

He was in chains. Behind him was a window that let just enough light shine in on him.

He held his head back and sniffed the air. His eyes pinpointed to me. "Raven, help me." he said gasping for breath.

It seems as on my father's side of the family they are werewolves. Every two generations are affected by this curse, but by Daisy being a witch she had accelerated the process.

I heard a bone break from below and out of shadows stepped my mother.

"Honey, your sister is here. Now, you know that I love you with all of my heart and we have texted everyday so you know that I love you." She caressed his face.

He looked at her in an affectionate way.

What? He has been texting mom every day and I can't believe he has never told me. He knew how I felt about her. She abandoned us. I hated her.

I opened my mind and read his thoughts.

I love you too Mom. Ugh why am I feeling so much pain? Raven smells different. She smells like mom. Why is she looking at me like that?

"Can you hear me?" I asked my voice not even a whisper.

I can hear you. What is wrong with me Rave?

I looked at Danilo and he didn't know what was going on.

I can hear you. Listen, I am vampire now just like mom and you are now werewolf. Mom wants to kill me. She is using you. Please don't let her do this.

"Sweetie, I can imagine she is talking bad about me. You know that I am your mother and I do love you." She began to break the chains from around his neck, hands and legs.

I zoomed in on her thoughts. As soon as he kills her I will kill him. I gave birth to two idiots.

She turned and looked out the window towards the sky. The moon was high in the sky and my brother had changed.

"Jake, she doesn't love you. She doesn't love anyone. You have to believe me." I was almost in tears because I didn't want to hurt my brother.

"Get her Jake." My mother said rubbing his fur and he took off in a flash.


Sorry for such a short chapter. I will make it up to you guys next time.

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