Chapter 14

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It had been a very eventful day. Come to find out, I'm ovulating and he can smell that on me in some kind of weird vampirey way. So that could only mean one thing. Aunt Flo was coming in less than two weeks. Sad to say I get overly emotional during that time. Hopefully Danilo will be here to comfort me... as a friend.

It was 6:15 and the sun had almost set when I had realized that I haven't checked the mail. I put on my flip flops and ran outside, grabbed my mail and ran back in before the sun had officially set. Just as I stepped back over the threshold I heard a wolf howl.

I wonder if that was Mr. Ponytail letting me know that he is out. Danilo says as long as I don't invite him in that I am safe. Plus the good thing about it is that no one else can invite him in by accident, not even my best friend Daisy.

As I was going through the envelopes of bills that I had received that day I came across a black envelope with white elegant writing on the front.

The letter was addressed to Miss R. Venchenzo. How odd. I opened the letter only to get my socks knocked off. It was a letter from the Devil himself, or should I say, herself. It was from my mother.


"Sup Daise what are you doing?"

"UGH! I am bored! I want to go out but I can't because I have to be responsible and go to work tomorrow. I wish I could find a sexy rich man that could sweep me off of my feet and take me away from the low life level of being a secretary."

She was always so dramatic when she watched Gone with the Wind.

"You are always like that when you watch that movie. Such a southern belle!"

We both giggled. My cell phone chimed. I already knew who it was. Only four people at the moment had my new cell number: Ally, my dad, Danilo and Daisy.

"So, are you gonna write her back or maybe even call? I haven't seen her in years is she still in the US?"

"No. I don't want to talk to her nor have anything to do with her. I hate her for leaving us. Listen I gotta let you go but come over after work tomorrow. Bring your clothes because we are gonna have a sleep over and drink our asses off!"

"Oh I love it when you talk drunkenness to me! Love you."

"Me, too."

I went to hang up the phone when my cell chimed again. It was a message from Danilo.

                                Hey beautiful how was ur evening? I miss u!

Awwww. Isn't he sweet? I began to swoon.

No wait... I mean he is such a great friend. Dammit I am so confused! I want to fall for him because it feels so right and it feels so good to actually know that someone cares about me the same way but...


Can I come over? I miss your smell, your touch and how you fight me when you know that we both want the same thing... don't be afraid to say yes Raven.

But I am afraid to say yes. Its times like this I feel that I could really use some motherly advice but the bitch is... well I don't know where she is. I will not think of her right now.

Sure, you can come over until I fall asleep. Oh and stop being so sweet to me. We are friends outside of school and at school you are my professor.

Just then my doorbell rang. Who could that be this late at night? I went to grab my robe and peeked through the peephole.

I opened the door to see Danilo standing on my doorstep in pajama pants and a fitted t shirt. I stood there looking at him. I was a bit surprised that he was here so quickly but then again it must have been his swift as lightening powers.

Without me having to invite him in, he stepped over the threshold and snaked his hands around my waists.

"It's beginning to be impossible for me to stay away from you." He takes in my scent and squeezes me tighter. "I can't wait until you are completely mine."

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