chapter 21

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Derek's (P.O.V.)

I'm still shaking from when I shot lynch. Penelope is probably terrified of me. She is trying to comfort me.

"Penny are you and me okay" I ask her.

"Yes we are fine" he assures me.

"Where are we" I ask.

"We're at the BAU in the round table room".

"Baby girl is your face okay".

"Yeah it stings a little but I'm fine".

I got up and kissed her cheek over and over again. Penelope started to giggle.

"Baby I'm sorry" I whisper.

"For what" she asks.

"I shouldn't have let him hurt you".

"Derek he didn't hurt me".

"Are you sure".

"Yes Derbear I'm sure".

"Okay. Where's Hotch".

"He should be here any minute now".

"Okay cause I want to go home".

"Okay baby I'm gonna go find Hotch. Do you want to come".

"Yeah sure".

Penelope and I walked out into the bullpen to see it empty. Then I see Hotch appear around a corner.

"Hey Hotch" Penelope says.

"Hey guys y'all doing okay" he asks.

"Yeah we're fine we just wanna go home" I tell him.

"Okay y'all go on ahead I'm going to finish up some paperwork" Hotch says.

"Bye Hotch" Penelope and I say in unison.

"Bye guys".

With that me and Penny made our way to our cars and drove home.

We both pulled up to my house at the same time. I turned my car off. I grabbed my essentials and went inside. I was walking up the stairs when Penelope jumped in front of me.

"Baby what are you doing".

"Having some freedom fun".

"What does that mean".

"I'll show you".

She grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs into our bedroom. She let me go and laid down on our bed (in a sexy position).

"Come on big guy want to play", I chuckled.

"Oh my darling flower if only you knew".

"So is that a yes or a no".

I crawled on top of her, "maybe baby".

I kissed her softly at first but they got more heated. Penelope tried to put her arms around my neck but I pinned em down.

"Derek what are you doing".

"This is all for you my pretty lady".

I kissed down her neck, down her breasts. I kissed all the way down her stomach, down to her thighs. I lifted her dress and pulled down her panties. Penelope turned bright red.

"Penelope I've done this before no need to blush" I tease.

"I know but still".

I kissed her inner thigh. I licked right inside her, I felt Penelope shiver. I lifted her legs and sat them on my shoulders. I slid my tongue inside her. She is so tangy sweet, I licked her up and down. I circle her clit with my tongue and I hear needy moans escape from her. I suck on her clit. Her orgasm washes over her and she cums on her tongue. Penelope lifted her legs off my shoulders.

I laid beside her, "Derek you know just how to get me undone".

"Anything for you baby girl".

"Is it my turn to please you".

"It's up to you".

I kicked my shoes off. I yawned a little too loud. "Is baby boy tired" Penelope asks.

"Yeah a little".

"Ok let's go to bed early. I hope we don't get a case cause I don't want to be without you".

"Aw same here", then we yawned in unison, "okay that's cute now let's go to bed".


Penelope took off her dress and heels. She grabbed her panties and put them back on. She put on one of my shirts and climbed into bed. I pulled my pants off. Penelope cuddled into my side, I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight baby darling".

"Nighty night baby boy", then we both fell asleep.

I woke up to Penelope still cuddling into my side. I kissed her forehead and move carefully to not wake her up. I get up and go into the kitchen I grabbed my phone and called Hotch. *ring ring* he answered.


"Hey it's me".

"What do you need Derek".

"I just wanted to know if we had to come into work today".

"No you don't have to come in today but I want you here tomorrow to fill out some paperwork".

"Done and done sir".

"Bye Derek".

"Bye Hotch".

I crawled back into bed and fell back asleep with Penelope.

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