chapter 19

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Derek's (P.O.V.)

Penelope and I are having sex and my back is in a butt loads of pain but I don't seem to care I just keep pleasing my baby girl. I heard her moan my name as loud as she can. I thrusted a couple more times before I released. She clawed into my back and I heard a doorbell ring.

"Penelope did you hear that" I ask.

"Hear what".

"Someone's at the door".

"Ok Derek can you walk cause I don't want to go alone".

"I think I can. Let's get some robes".

I got off the bed. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed two robes. I walked back out and handed one to Penelope.

"Thanks" she says.

We hurried and got the robes on. We sped walk down the stairs and I opened the door. I see Rossi and JJ.

"Hey guys" I say.

"Oh hey what's going on in here", we looked down.

"Nothing we are just... Never mind", JJ and Rossi started laughing. "JJ did you get my... Come let's talk in privacy" Penelope grabbed JJ and walked off inside.

"Hey Rossi did you get me some clothes" I ask him.

"Yeah here and I didn't need to see some certain stuff".

"Oh did you find that thing".

"Yeah I found the whip".

"I've never used it like that, I used it on Halloween when I was Indiana Jones".


I took my clothes and sat them somewhere. Penelope and JJ came back in and Penelope was bright red. She walked up to me and kissed my cheek.

"What's making you blush so hard".

"Um uh you'll find out later", she smirked.

Rossi tried to hold his laugh back but failed. "Okay we have to go back to work".

"Dang that's too bad well bye" Penelope says waving.

"Bye penny, bye Derek" JJ says.

"Bye kitten, bye Morgan".

"Bye guys" I said showing them out the door.

Penelope ran upstairs with her clothes. I grabbed mine and followed her. I walked into the room we are staying in to see Penelope in the bathroom naked. I took off my robe and zoomed after her, I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I turn to Penelope pushing me against the door. I rubbed her breasts. I ran my hand over her nipple. rolling it between my fingers.

Penelope moaned, "Derek god you're killing me".

I kissed her so intensely. She ran her hands over my chest. I let go of her. I laid her down on the floor and I kissed all over her neck. I nibbled on her ear lobe. She grabbed my ass and I jumped a little.


"Hey you grab my ass I grab yours okay" she said biting her lip.

"How can I say no to that".

"You can't", I kiss her as my phone rang. I got up and I ran to my phone.

"Hello" I grab my robe and put it on.

"Derek it's Hotch we need you and Penelope to get here now".

"Hotch what's wrong".

"I'll tell you when you get here", "okay Hotch be there in 30 minutes", I hung up, I ran into the bathroom, I helped Penelope up.

"Sorry we got to get dressed and go" I apologize.

"Don't be sorry I enjoyed it and let's get dressed".


I ran to my bag and search for some decent clothes. I grabbed a shirt, pants, and boxers. I hurried and put them on. Penelope was struggling to zip up her dress. I went and helped her. I zipped her up completely, she turned in my arms.

"Derek thanks for everything, for getting up and helping me even though you were in loads of pain" she kisses me softly.

"No problem baby girl" I kissed her lips again. "Time to get to work". Then we headed to work.

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