chapter 20

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Penelope's (P.O.V.)

Derek and I made it to work and are headed to the round table room. We walk inside, we see Hotch just sitting there.

"Hotch where's the team" I ask.

"I had to send them home".

"Why" Derek asks.

"Because they were too close to the case".

"So what" I ask.

"That's not all".

"Hotch what do you mean" I ask.

"We got something in the mail, well by we, we mean you got something in the mail".

"Can I see it" I ask.

"Yes you may" he says.

I took the package from Hotch. I opened it to see another note. "Do you want me to read it aloud".

"Yes please" Derek says.

"Okay here goes....

Dear Penelope,

I love you and wish to be with you, but I can't seem to find my true love. I don't know why you are hiding from me, but know this I will not hesitate to kill anyone who gets in my way of happiness including your no Good MAN WHORE OF A BOYFRIEND. So be mine and I won't hurt anybody. Also since you held out I might just have to punish you, be mine and mine alone. Meet me at the park near the BAU by yourself cause if I find out you have a wire or brought back up I might just have to take you out.

Sincerely, your truest love"

I threw the note down and began to cry into Derek's chest. "sh baby I'm here, I'm here" Derek rubbed circles in my back that soothed my pain.

"Hotch why does he love me I'm just another fat wanna be girl who finally found happiness" I ask still crying.

"Hey don't you ever say that! you are not another fat wanna be you could never be that. You will always be my love, my life, and my soul mate" Derek scolds me.

"Derek.." he cuts me off.

"Hush woman".

"Guys I think we are going to have to put y'all in protective custody" Hotch states.

"What? No! Why" Derek asks.

"He is determined to get y'all. We have to take precautions" Hotch answers.

"Shouldn't we take his deal" I ask.

"No that will put you in more danger".

"But doing this will put me in danger but Derek will be out of danger. He said that if I don't come he'll try and kill Derek" I whisper.

"I knew I should have put a bullet in his head last time" Derek growls.

"Ok we'll go and we will have a sniper ready at the go".

"Okay Hotch".

"Penelope call him".

"What? why".

"That's an order and pretend you and Derek got in a fight, and you want lynch back" Hotch tells me

"Okay". I grabbed my phone and dialed his number. *Ring* he answered.

"Hello darling" I hear Kevin say

"Hey Kevin" I say.

"Is something wrong my darling flower" he asks.

"Derek and I got into a fight. You were right Kevin. I'll meet you at the park" I say

"Oh of course I'll see you at the fountain" Kevin says.

The fountain isn't close to any building where we can have a shot.

"Kevin meet me at the entrance so I can meet up with you so we can go for a walk" I tell him.

"Of course anything for you my dear".

"See you then".

"See you there".

I hung up and threw my phone. "I got to go meet him at the entrance to the park".

"Okay then we will get a sniper on the nearest building".

"Okay". Hotch got up and walked out to call for a sniper to be at the ready. I sit down. Derek tried to give me a hug but I pushed him away.

"Derek not now I just want to think".

"Baby I'm sorry this is happening to us" he rubs my back.

"Derbear it's not your fault Kevin is a fucking psycho" I laugh a little.

"Yeah but still I wish I would have put a bullet in his head when he attacked you".

"I know baby but I just have to be ready to confront lynch".

Hotch came back in, "we have a sniper and he has Kevin in his sights".

"Okay I got to go baby" I say to Derek.

"Be safe don't let him touch you or I will be the person to take the shot" I kiss him.

"I know baby, I love you".

"I love you too". I began my journey to see Kevin.

I walked to the entrance of the park. I don't see Kevin. I looked up to the nearest building to see the sniper at the ready.

"Kevin where are you" I ask aloud.

"I'm right here my darling" I turned around to see Kevin.

"Hey kevie".

"Hey sugar plum".

"Gosh I missed you".

"Yeah right you bitch" he slapped me.


"You left me for a brainless brawny douchebag".

"DON'T YOU DARE CALL HIM THAT" I yell. "This is why I never loved you. You sick bastard".

"I knew it you still have feelings for him". He slapped me again and I heard a gun shot.

Blood splattered all over my body. I looked down to see Kevin with a bullet hole in his head. I look up to see the sniper dude confused. I look around to see Derek holding his gun and shaking. I grabbed his gun.

"Derek are you okay" I threw his gun out of reach.

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