Not At All

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Chapter Two


"And Jerry will be here around two with the new horses. I told him you'll meet him over at the barn," Dale said as he took a water from the fridge.

"Okay," I replied as I started washing dishes. I looked up out the window and saw that guy again standing with Preston down by the entrance to the barn. They were standing at the back of Pres's truck, taking a water break from whatever they were doing. I think he said his name was Jay. I had no idea who he was or why he was here.

"Hey Dale?" I asked as I stood around to face him. He had a small smile on his face as he looked at a picture on the wall. It was of his wife and the glean in his eye was unmistakeable. He was just the cutest old man I had ever seen.


"Who's that guy out there with Pres?" I turned back around to the sink. He walked up next to me and looked out the window.

"That's Jay. He's Preston older brother. He'll be out here for awhile. You two with get to know each other," he explained like that was common knowledge or something. He gave me a smile and wink before walking out the screen door. What the hell did that mean? Crazy old man.

I went back to washing the dishes. I turned on the sink to let it fill with water. I looked back out to the two boys. They looked so much like each other. They both had short brown hair and were extremely tall. Preston was built a little bigger, but they could have easily been twins. Jay was also just as cute as Preston. I kind of secretly hoped I got to know him.

Pres said something to Jay and he laughed. I couldn't hear what he had said, but I could hear Jay's laugh. It was low and deep and sexy. Then Jay took off his shirt. I couldn't help but watch. Oh my god. I thought Preston looked good shirtless, but nothing compared to Jay. I was too far away to really see anything, but he still looked very good.

Just then I felt water on my feet. I looked down as saw the sink overfilling with water.

"Shit," I whispered as I turned off the faucet and grabbed a bunch of paper towel to clean up the water. It had soaked the rug underneath my feet and it was all over the counter. I ran down the hall and took a towel from the closet. I came back and Preston was standing there drinking a glass of water.

"What did you do?"

He started laughing when he saw the pile of paper towels and the mess I had made.

"The sink overflowed. I wasn't paying attention."

He gave me an evil smile.

"What's that look for?" I asked as I kneeled on the ground and started wiping up the water.

"Nothing. It's nothing. I heard you met Jay."

"Yeah. Thanks for telling me your brother was coming. I looked like a complete idiot when I thought he was you. And I didn't even know you had a brother," I clipped at him as I stood up and threw out the paper towels.

He started laughing again. "Yeah sorry about that. I didn't know when he was coming and I forgot to tell you...."

"I figured," I said. "Dinner will be ready in about an hour."

"Okay. See ya later alligator," he said as he walked out the door. I couldn't help but chuckle, and roll my eyes. Preston was my best friend and really my only friend. He could be so stupid and weird sometimes, but at other times he was like my own brother. And I never even knew he had his own brother.

I finished washing the dishes and started making dinner. Dale told me to make lasagna since, apparently it was a special occasion. I don't know why everyone was acting like Jay had been here all along. They both have yet to tell me why he's here.

I was in the dining room setting the table when I heard the door creak open and slam shut.

"Pres? Will you ask Jay what he wants to drink and then find you grandpa?"

There wasn't a response until I heard footsteps behind me.

"I'll just have a glass of water. And I think grandpa is down in the barn."

I spun around on my feet and met his eyes. I looked like an idiot. Again. He was leaning against the door frame that separated the kitchen and dining room. He stood back up when I turned around.

"Oh my god. I did it again. I'm sorry, I thought you were Preston. But thanks." I walked past him and back into the kitchen.

"You're welcome. And it's no big deal. I heard that you didn't know I was coming. And we do look a lot alike."

"Yeah," I said as I took out four plates. This was a little awkward.

"So listen. We kind of got off on the wrong foot. I'm Jay. Preston's older brother."

He stuck his hand out and I shook it. For the first time, I looked into his eyes. They were a mesmerizing green. His hair was the perfect kind of messy and I could smell his cologne. He smelled really good. But I shook my head to clear my thought and responded. I would not let this guy get to me. I could already tell he was stuck up and a jerk.

"I'm Cali."

"So are you like Preston's girlfriend or something? Are you staying here for the summer?"

I laughed a little. I was definitely not Preston's girlfriend. That almost grossed me out a little.

"Um no. I'm not Preston's girlfriend. I live here. I help out on the farm."

He looked even more confused. But then just nodded his head. "Got it. Do you work here?" God, he was already annoying the crap out of me.

"No. And what's with the twenty questions? Now it's my turn. Why are you here? No one ever mentioned you."

He chuckled. "It's kind of a long story..."

I looked at him with a confused face before walking back into the dining room to finish setting the table. He followed me in there.

"So you just live here and help out? How did you get here?"

Now he was starting to get on my nerves. I don't know why he wanted to know so bad.

"It's kind of a long story, okay?"

I said it with more attitude in my voice then I had wanted to, but I couldn't help it. I put my hand my hip and glared at him. Maybe he would finally get the hint that I wanted this conversation over.

"Got it. And you're not dating Preston."

He didn't make it into a question. Weirdo.

"Not at all," I said as I walked past him again and back into the kitchen. But of course, he followed me.

"Good to know," he said as he winked at me and then walked back outside. God, all three of those boys could annoy the crap out of me sometimes. And Jay hadn't even been here for a day. This was going to be a long summer.

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