Not So Bad (Chapter 10)

Start from the beginning

"How may I help you?"

"I was just wondering if maybe my brother was here? I heard her got hurt so I got here as soon as I could to see him."

"What is his name?"

"Seth Rollins."

"And you are?..."

"Olivia Rollins... his sister."

Olivia was worried, she wasn't sure if her lie was going to work. The woman looked at her for a moment and Olivia was wondering whether or not the woman was going to believe her. Then finally the woman told her what room he was in.

"He is on the third floor in room 351."

Olivia smiled at the woman and thanked her before looking for an elevator. Once Olivia got on the third floor she had a bit of trouble finding the room. There was a nurse nearby and she could tell Olivia wasn't sure where she was.

"Can I help you?"

"Um yeah... I'm looking for room 351."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Olivia Rollins... Seth's sister."

"Oh... ok. Follow me."

The nurse wasn't an idiot. There had been several people who already came up looking for Seth claiming to be related to him. There were several security guards outside his room to make sure crazy fans don't get in.

"So if you're really Seth's sister he'll tell us. If you aren't his sister, security will have you removed from his room."

Security followed her in and one of the security guards got his attention.

"Mr. Rollins, this woman claims to be your sister."

Seth smiles and is happy to see her. Seth knew Olivia had a hard time getting up to his room so he had to play along.

"Olivia come on in. It's ok guys, she is my sister. You guys keep up the good work outside. We need to catch up on family issues."

"Right. We apologize Ms. Rollins, we didn't mean to keep you from your brother. We were just doing our jobs to try to keep crazy fans out."

The security guards leave the room and continue to guard the outside. Seth and Olivia were completely alone. Olivia was the first one to speak. She actually found a way to laugh about the situation.

"Wow... you are a hard guy to see Mr. Rollins."

"Yeah well... once Stephanie and Triple H found out I was in the hospital, they wanted to make sure that no crazy fans tried to find me."

Olivia smiled, but the atmosphere in the room seemed to change instantly.

"So how bad was it Seth?"

Seth still tried to joke around since he could tell how concerned Olivia was.

"Well I'm not dying if that's what you're thinking."

The look on Olivia's face didn't seem to change.

"I'll be fine ok... they just want to keep me overnight just to be safe. They said Ryan was very sloppy with his knife work. He didn't hit any important organs. My only problem is the amount of blood I lost."

"What did they have to do?"

"They just had to put a few stitches in me and they told me not to move around too much. They gave me something for pain. Stephanie and Triple H are on their way to see me, they will be here in a few minutes."

Right after Seth said that Stephanie and Triple H entered the room. They noticed Olivia was there, but focused their attention on Seth. Stephanie was the first one to speak.

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