Chapter 17: Back to Where it All Began (Marceline's POV)

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Chapter 17: Back to Where it All Began (Marceline’s POV)

I stood at the bottom of the hill, right above the Quidditch pitch, where I had left for France two years before. I had changed out of my school uniform the first chance I got. My hair, finally grown back, was pulled back away from my face and tied back. It was winter, early January, and I wore a long travelling cloak over my dress. I began up the hill, both anticipating and dreading stepping foot back inside that school.

I knew from what Draco had told me that it wasn’t the happy place that I had left. The Carrows, two brother and sister Death Eaters sent by Voldemort to assist Snape with “discipline”, had begun working at the school, and had a habit of teaching Unforgiveable Curses in class. From what I heard, things had gone bad. Very bad.

But I couldn’t help but feel a sense of happiness as I walked up the steps of the Great Hall, and into the castle. I felt like I was home.

I hadn’t even been inside the castle for five minutes when a huge white cat came running up to me and circled around my feet.

“Hello,” I said, smiling down at the cat.

She cirled around my feet again and I knelt down next to her and began petting her. She had a piece of red ribbon around her neck.

Now, at that moment, it didn’t even register with me that I had indeed given Snape a fluffy white kitten for Christmas two years ago. It didn’t register that it had red ribbon around its neck, like the kitten I had given Snape. It just didn’t register.

Until Snape walked around the corner, that is.

I stood up, and we stared at each other for a long time. His eyes searched my face, and mine searched his. It looked as though he had aged thirty years since I last saw him; his face was lined and haggard, his hair unkempt, and dark circles under his eyes. I wondered what had made him look so terrible.

“Marceline,” he finally said.

“Headmaster,” I said, curtsying.

In France, we had learned to curtsy to all authority figures. I had a feeling that a lot of my newfound—well, newly learned—customs were going to haunt me.  

 “I haven’t seen you in—”

“Two years,” I interrupted. “Two long, long years.”

His eyes continued searching my face, then made their way down my body to assess the rest of me.

During the time I was gone, I had changed. Not only emotionally, but physically. Whereas I was a rectangle before, I had suddenly sprouted curves. My face didn’t look so girlish anymore, either.

I could tell Snape was looking for something to say to me, but he was lost. I was too. It had been so long since I last saw him, and so many things had transpired, I was utterly lost for words. The cat circled my feet again. I suddenly realized that she must follow Snape wherever he goes. I wondered if she kept him company while I was gone.

“Perhaps you should go to class,” he suggested.

“I’ve just arrived,” I said. “I don’t have my schedule yet. Since you’re the headmaster…”

Snape seemed unsure of how to even talk to me. It was quite uncomfortable, having this conversation after so long apart, but at least I was making an effort to hold conversation.

“I take it you need a schedule?”

“Yes, that would be helpful.”

“They are in my office. If you would follow me.”

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