Chapter 6: Bad Timing (Snape's POV)

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Chapter 6: Bad Timing (Snape’s POV)


It was about three weeks after the beginning of school, and I was creeping back into the castle after a meeting with Voldemort. I was quite angry at the fact that I had nothing new to report to Dumbledore. I admit I must have looked rather shady, dressed all in black and sneaking about the perimeter of the castle. It did surprise me, however, when someone spoke behind me.

“Ah, Severus,” he said.

I hadn’t seen him coming, and I jumped at the sound of his voice.

“Dumbledore!” I exclaimed.

Dumbledore, upon seeing me jump, chuckled and waked up next to me.

“I hope I haven’t startled you, Severus,” Dumbledore said, beginning to walk next to me.

“No, of course not,” I lied. “What is it that you need?”

“Well I assumed I would find you skulking about the edge of the school. You’ve been speaking with Voldemort, have you not?”

“I have indeed.”

“And what have you learned?”

I hesitated for a moment. Dumbledore wasn’t going to believe me.

“Nothing,” I answered simply. “He doesn’t say much of anything. I think he is still regaining trust for us.”

Dumbledore turned to me and gave me a suspicious look.

“I swear, Dumbledore. I found out nothing. The Dark Lord does not share his plans with us anymore.”

“Very well,” he sighed. He sounded weary.

“You know that I will tell you the very moment I find anything out.”

He nodded and turned away.

“Thank you, Severus.”

I began to depart from his side when he called me back.

“I nearly forgot,” he began, handing me a thick leather-bound book. “This is quite an interesting book on potion theory. I think you will enjoy it. I myself found it to be quite enchanting.”

“Thank you, Headmaster,” I said, tucking the book under my arm.

I think I have already read it before. I don’t desire to read it again. But Dumbledore constantly gives me bits of literature… 

I think he believes I get bored during evenings and between classes. Honestly, they're the only part of the day that I look forward to. I sit in silence, enjoying the solitude… until it’s shattered by the noise of children once again. But no, Dumbledore insists that I must be terribly lonely. I'm surprised he doesn’t just outright buy me that cat he keeps insisting I get.

I begin back towards the stairs, and went up the steps into the castle. I wanted to make sure Dumbledore wouldn’t follow; I had no wish to get into a conversation with him. I knew I would be trapped there talking for hours. I simply wanted to get back to my room and go to sleep. I was ready for a nice cup of tea, my nightclothes, and my bed…

But obviously, I wasn’t expecting to come across the shocking scene that I did in the hallway I turned into.

A girl with dark red hair and a blonde-haired boy were kissing in the hallway.

Marceline Abbey was making out with Draco Malfoy.

My eyes flew open, my brain went blank, and my jaw dropped. My hands (and the rest of my body) had gone numb, and I dropped the book that Dumbledore had given to me onto the stone floor. It thudded loudly, the sound echoing around the empty stone corridor. Draco and Marceline’s heads turned, looking for the source of the noise. Marceline’s eyes connected with mine. They grew wide and my eyes flew open.

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