Kori and The Voice

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"They're taking Sasuke," said Naruto, "Not again! I got to go get him!"

"Just calm down Naruto," said Shikamaru.

"How can I calm down?!" yelled Naruto, "We're losing him! He's going to take Sasuke away from us!"

"You rodents!" yelled Tayuya, "I'm going to end this in a flash."

"Naruto, Tatsu listen to me," said Shikamaru, "I've got a plan, but you have to follow it exactly."

Shikamaru explained the plan to the two of them, until he said, "Ok you got it?"

"Yeah," said Naruto.

"Ready," said Tatsu.

"Well, let's get on with it you wimps!" said Tayuya.

"It's three on one we got the advantage!" boasted Shikamaru, "If we gang up on her, I'd say we got a pretty good shot what do you say guys!"

"Let's get her!" screamed Naruto.

"This will be over before she knows it," said Tatsu.

"It doesn't matter how many of you there are you're still just a bunch of worthless morons!" screamed Tayuya.

"Don't be cocky we've got teamwork on our side," said Shikamaru.

"We'll show you!" said Naruto as he and Shikamaru both charged for Tayuya.

Shikamaru made contact with Tayuya and screamed, "Now Naruto!"

"I'm gonna punch your lights out!" said Naruto, but when he got close he just flipped over her.

Tatsu ducked down and ran off from underneath the scene from above and she and Naruto made their way to get Sasuke.

"I'll see you around!" taunted Naruto as he and Tatsu left.

After getting away from Tayuya, Naruto's speed increased a little, putting Tatsu behind him.

"Naruto slow it down a bit," said Tatsu, "We will get to Sasuke."

"Slow down are you kidding!" said Naruto looking behind him, "We've wasted so much time. We can't afford to slow down!"

Before Tatsu could say something, she saw what looked like crystallized mirrors surrounding them, forcing them to stop.

"Now what!" screamed Naruto.

A figure appeared on one of the mirrors in front of them, it was the girl that appeared with Kimimaro.

The girl laughed, "I knew Tayuya couldn't handle it, so I waited around to make sure no one was following Kimimaro. Now you won't be going anywhere."

"You better let us out right now!" screamed Naruto.

"No I don't think I will," said the girl.

Tatsu scanned the surrounding crystal mirrors and noticed a couple of small openings that they could fit through, however it was going to be hard getting both of them out.

"Naruto, listen up," said Tatsu, "I want you to head for the opening on my left and go after Sasuke."

"What?" asked Naruto.

"I can handle this girl by myself," said Tatsu, "besides it's just like Neji said, you have to be the one to get Sasuke. It's not my place."

"But Tatsu, Sasuke and I had our hands full with Haku, what makes you think you can beat her on your own," said Naruto.

"Naruto, don't even put me in the same league as you," said Tatsu, "Now get moving or else I move you myself!"

"Ok," said Naruto as he darted for the opening.

Tatsu FuzenWhere stories live. Discover now