Chunin Exams: Written Exam

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They had waited for a while and watched many squads enter the room. Then finally Squad 7, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke, entered the room. As they enter each of them had a looked of surprise on their faces.

"Wha...What's this?" said Naruto.

"I guess we're not alone," said Sakura, "Man, I had no idea that there would be this much competition."

Suddenly a voice from behind them said, "Sasuke where've you been?"

Ino leaps onto Sasuke, blushing in his presents, while Sasuke gave her a look of annoyance.

"Boy you have no idea how much I was hoping you'd show up here," said Ino, "I've missed those groovy good looks of yours."

"Hey you poker, back off he's mine!" screamed Sakura

"Fan girls to the end," thought Tatsu.

"Miss forehead they let you in. Still got those for eyes on that billboard brow I see," said Ino.

"Leave my forehead out of it!"

"Hehe," said Kiba.

"You're not thinking of going over there are you?" said Tatsu, "They're way too loud."

Kiba starts to walk over there and the rest of them follow. As they approached, Tatsu continued to watch the scene.

"Oh it's you guys," said Shikamaru followed by Choji, "I knew this was going to be a drag, but I didn't know it was going to be this lame."

"So all three stooges are here," said Naruto.

"Hey you know what pipsqueak!" Shikamaru started to yell, "Ah forget it you're a waste of time.

"Shikamaru was known as the laziest kid in the Academy. I wonder how he even contributes to his squad?"

Tatsu then looked toward Choji eating from a bag of chips.

"I never seen Choji do anything, but eat and complain about how he's hungry."

"Sorry," continues Ino, "But Sasuke's all mine."

"Ino is just an annoying fangirl like Sakura."

Squad 8 had finally made their way to the scene.

"Well, well, what do you know?" said Kiba, "It looks like the whole gang is back together again."

"Oh..Hi..Naruto," said Hinata.

Naruto gave Hinata a look of confusion, that made her blush.

"What does she see in a loser like Naruto?" thought Tatsu.

"You guys too huh?" said Shikamaru, "Man everyone's here for this stupid thing."

"Yup here we all are the ten rookies," said Kiba.

"Ten?" said Naruto, "But there's only Me, you, Sasuke, Sakura, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Hinata, and Shino."

"Come on Naruto, I figured at least you can count," said Kiba gesturing toward Tatsu, "You're forgetting about Tatsu."

"Ahh!" screamed Naruto, "Where did she come from?"

"I've been here this whole time you idiot," said Tatsu, "It's not my fault you're oblivious to everything."

"What did you say!?" yelled Naruto.

"Hah hah! This is going to be fun," said Kiba, "At least for those of us able to make the cut. Right Sasuke?"

"Kiba," said Sasuke, "Careful you don't get overconfident."

"Just wait we're going to blow you guys away," said Kiba, "We've been training like crazy."

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