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Oceans of Vice (Fairy Tail Fan Fiction) – Chapter 2

When Lucy and Serenity pushed through the entrance of the guild, Master was standing on top of the bar with his hands clasped tightly behind his back, and a solemn look plaguing his face. Everyone was silent, which was rare, so Serenity immediately knew something wasn't right. As she and Lucy made their way towards their usual team of mages, they could feel everyone's eyes bearing into them; it made their cheeks burn with embarrassment. Stopping by Natsu's side, Serenity reached down to grasp his hand. That's when Master began to speak—his voice loud, strong and grave.

"I'm not sure all of you are aware of this yet, but there is a new threat that has arisen in Fiore," Master began, "they are known by the name Oración Seis. They are an evil group of mages that must be stopped at all costs. That's why Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale, and Cait Shelter are sending their strongest members to battle against this threat and stop whatever evil they have planned." Master paused. "I have thought a long while on who, from Fairy Tail, should be sent, and I have come to a decision."

He raised his voice suddenly, so that his words could be heard clearly resonating around the whole guild. "Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Erza, and Gray are the mages who will join forces with the delegates from the other guilds to put an end to this darkness. Good luck to you all." Turning, Master disappeared into the back of the guild.

For a short moment, Serenity stood there with her mouth gaping, looking like an absolute fool, before Master's words settled in her brain. He hadn't said her name. Why hadn't he said her name? She was one of the strongest in the guild. What made him decide against having her go?

Needing answers, Serenity released Natsu's hand and stormed towards where Master had disappeared. Coming to a closed wooden door, she took a deep breath, trying to douse her frustration, before pushing it open. Inside, Master was staring out the window at something far in the distance, Serenity couldn't bring herself to wonder what it was—she had too many thoughts flowing through her mind already.

"Why didn't you say my name?" she asked bluntly.

He didn't turn away from the window as he delivered his response. "You're falling apart inside, Serenity, and everyone can see it. You aren't ready for a mission like this."

Tears of frustration burned at her eyes and her throat felt tight. "I am one of the strongest mages in this guild, though! They're going to need me. What if something bad happens?"

Master sighed a deep, stressed sigh like he had the weight of the whole world pushing down on his shoulders. "The only bad thing that could happen to the mages I am sending now: is you. You are dangerous. Not because of what you are, but because you are afraid of yourself, and that is what will cause you to fail in the end."

"What is that supposed to mean? What am I exactly then?" Serenity stepped closer towards Master, towering over him. However, he continued to stare out the window, not seeming to totally acknowledge her presence. "You know something that you aren't telling me. I am not so blind that I can't see that. You recognize the name Ciara. You know who she is—who she was."

Finally, after remaining silent and pensive for an eternity, Master looked at her. "I am having Team Natsu leave tomorrow morning. I suggest you say your goodbyes, because you won't be seeing them for awhile and I'm sure you'll miss them greatly."

Swallowing hard against a lump in her throat, Serenity nodded curtly, suddenly feeling a wave of calm wash over her. "I understand, Makarov. You're trying to protect me, and the guild, but look what good that did for Laxus. He turned bitter because you never seemed to recognize him as being good enough—as being strong enough. Be ready for the outcome of another poor decision."

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