A Dark Storm is Brewing

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Oceans of Vice (Fairy Tail Fan Fiction) – Chapter 1

"A dark storm is brewing, Serenity," someone giggled from the cold blackness. Their bitterly sweet voice sounded as if it were right next to her ear, but when she looked about, she saw nothing but a ominous fog of gloom. "I'm not sure your going to win this time"—the voice paused for a moment as if thinking—"you're weak now. You're letting yourself get overrun by your own emotions. You're too...human. That's your ultimate flaw. You care too much. Why don't you just let go of all that? You've done it before. Let me in again, Serenity. Let me in." From the shadows shone a pair of golden eyes.


"No!" Serenity exclaimed, her blue eyes glazing over as an intense terror crept icily up her spine, making her shiver. "Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Why do you keep taunting me like this?"

Suddenly, everything was dark again as Ciara's eyes faded into the blackness. Serenity thought for a moment that she was safe again, but that thought was dissipated as she was swiftly knocked down, a heavy weight grinding the side of her face into the ground. "I will kill everyone you love if you don't let me in, Serenity." Ciara's voice was right next to her ear; she could feel her breath warm against her cheek. "I will take you over by force if I have to! And then I'll let you remain conscious, so that you can watch as I torture that pathetic boyfriend of yours. What's his name—Natsu?"

"Leave him out of this!" Serenity growled, trying to free herself from Ciara's grasp but to no avail.

"When I'm done with him, I'll mutilate that pitiful sister of yours—take away that pretty little face. However, I'll let her live, but her life will be filled with having people shy away from her like she's a monster, and then, when it all becomes too much she'll finally kill herself, because she just can't take the pain and humiliation anymore. I'll make sure you're there when it happens, so that you can watch the blood fall from her wrists and stain the floors crimson—so that you can see the light fade from her eyes."

From the darkness materialized an image of Lucy taking a blade to the soft skin just above the palm of her hand and gliding it up the entire length of her arm. Crimson filled Serenity's vision then as she watched her sister drown in a pool of her own blood. Lucy's eyes, which had lost their normal shape because of the lumps of disfigured flesh that surrounded them, went dim and dull. Serenity closed her own eyes trying to escape the scene, but the image was still there, painted to the backs of her eyelids.

"NO! Leave me alone!!" she yelled, her throat sore—her voice hoarse. A sudden strength flooded over her, and she knocked Ciara off of her. Then it was all gone as the darkness pulled Serenity into its embrace and she let herself sink into its abysmal arms.


When she woke to pale moonlight, she was screaming. Sweat was pouring over her body, slicking her golden hair against her forehead, and making her shirt cling uncomfortably to her fragile little frame. After a short moment, her laments were silenced as she was pulled against a broad chest. She clung to its warmth like it was the only thing keeping her from drifting away into nothingness.

"Did you have another nightmare?" Natsu asked softly, stroking her hair with his hand.

She nodded, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling herself closer to him. "I thought coming and living with you and Happy would make them stop, but she keeps taunting me, Natsu. She keeps telling me that she's going to kill everyone I love. I can't take it anymore." Tears pooled in her eyes and danced down the sharp curve of her cheekbones, before dripping onto Natsu's chest, where they evaporated into the air. She pulled away from him suddenly. "You're really warm." She glanced up at his eyes, which were ablaze with rage and frustration.

Oceans of Vice (Fairy Tail Fan Fiction) - Book 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang