Moms, what are you gonna do? XD

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Emily and Kaylee sat in her room, trying to think of the perfect text, but nothing came to mind, and they tired to the next day. Only, the morning wasn't that great...

Kaylee woke up first, and took a look at the phone, and stood up in shock and screaming. Emily woke up, and took a last look at Kaylee speeding out of the door to her moms room. Emily got up wearily and heard Kaylee screaming. She wondered what had happened, and wondered after her. She came to her moms room and placed her hand over Kaylees mouth and Kaylee calmed down. Her mom looked frightened in her lavender night robes, and asked what was wrong. "I'm sorry for yelling, it's just that, you got drunk again." Emily froze. It was a matter she hadn't thought about for years. Her mother had drinking habits and got drunk often, but she had thought that she didnt anymore. "Mom, I thought you stopped drinking..." Her mom shook her head and said that last night, she drunk a little too much and got drunk while they were asleep.

Kaylee went to the texting screen where they hadn't texted anything, and there was a text from her mom to Max saying this exactly:

"Heyy bby. Why don't you come home and bring out those guns for me? ;0"

Emily's body fell to the floor in weakness after reading the text. Kaylee caught her by the arms, and put one around her shoulder and took her to her bed where she fell and Kaylee climbed in with her and stroked her hair. Emily put her head in Kaylee's lap and shed a few tears. "Kaylee, what am I gonna do? H-he probably hates me nao..." And with that, they both drifted off to sleep again....


Hey guys! So what do you think of the story so far? Is it good? Maybe? Yes? No? Potato :D? Lol, but what do you think of the story? I'm really tired, it's 5:20 am as I'm writing this, so id better go to bed. Night everyone! xD

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