"Don't go up against an Elxi, amateur." He breathes against me, his breath hot on my ear and neck.  

I flex my hand, trying to concentrate on the water in the pipes above me. My eyes close as I feel the water's power rush through me. 

"And you-" I jerk forward, causing his grip on my arm to falter for a second, but that's all I need: a second. "you should never-" I whip around, wrapping my arm around his head so I'm holding him in a headlock. "ever doubt me." The room explodes with water, drowning both of us. I focus on the Elxi, forming a ball of water around him. His face turns white, and he claws at his throat. And thats when it hits me.

I'm killing him.

My hands fall limply to my side as he drops too. The water pours down on us, soaking us both. My clothes stick to me as I walk over to him.

"You'll wake up." I whisper before kicking him in the head. His eyes roll backwards as his movements stop.

Five seconds. I tell myself; five seconds to collect myself before continuing. 


I lean against the wall, picking at the thin fabric that Hayes wrapped around me so long ago. 


My breath comes out jagged as I still feel the water's power flowing in me.


I use my hand to wipe the water off my face as I stand up straighter.


One breath in. One breath out.


Time to get shit done.

I walk over to the guard, checking his pockets for any weapons. I stick his gun under the waistband of my jeans and hold a knife he has. I shiver when I pull the door opening, cold air sticking to my wet clothes. I turn towards the elevator, knowing that's the way we came. Jabbing the button with my thumb, the first thing I see when the doors open is an Elxi and Parker. His fist unexpectedly connects with my face as I stumble back, my arm still throbbing. Quickly recovering, I pull the knife out, holding it firmly in my hand. 

"Remember her wounds." Parker says. 

The Elxi grabs my bad arm, yanking it roughly. The bullet wound is pounding in my arm as he grabs my shoulder. Black dots cloud my vision as I desperately angle the knife and plunge it into his leg. His scream mixes with my own as he pulls his own knife and digs it into the already bleeding wound. I kick  his knee with all the strength I have left as he tumbles to the ground. All I feel is the burning pain in my shoulder as I fall to the ground. Blood is running down my shoulder and over my fingers as I raise my arm to cradle it. But what scares me is the cold gun barrel on my shoulder and the shot that follows.


I wake to the throbbing in my shoulder. Blinking a few times to focus, I see I'm in the same room as earlier. Where I almost killed the Elxi. The pounding in my shoulder brings me back to reality a a groan escapes my lips.

Another shot. Just great. 

I try to touch it when I realize I'm tied to the bed. My wrists and feet are tied, along with a strap around my neck. 

"Ah. You're up." A voice says from the corner of the room. 

Craning my head, I see an older man walking towards me. In the bright light, his hair looks white, and his wrinkles pronounced. 

"My name is Dr. Mason. Commander Parker has assigned me to be your doctor these couple days. We will start by running basic tests. Basically how far you're willing to go; and by the look of that shoulder-" He steps forward, holding a mirror so I can see it for myself. My stomach lurches as I see it.  Yellow, brown, purple and so much damn red. I know it's infected already and if they don't do something about it I'll slowly die. 

"well that shoulder is a clear indication that you can take it." He finishes. Walking up to the tray in the corner, he comes back with a bottle of clear liquid and a syringe. He puts on his gloves and leans close to me, opening the bottle. The familiar stench of alcohol fills the room as he grins. "This will sting."

Without warning, he pours the alcohol on it. It feels as if my shoulder is on fire as I squirm and scream in pain. The syringe comes next, and he uses it to clean the wound. More alcohol. More fire spreading through my damned shoulder. More screams from me. When he finally stops, tears stain my cheeks and I'm struggling to get air. 

"Clear enough indication doctor?" I hiss.

"Most pass out already." He mumbles as he walks over to the tray again. He pulls out his radio and calls Parker. "She's not out yet sir... yes... I will wait sir."

I use the opportunity to try and calm myself. My shoulder still burns but the tears have stopped. I'm vaguely aware of the door opening as I focus on breathing evenly again.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Think of anything else. I tell myself. 

"Hey Shifter." Mason says. He holds up a picture of Jude, with a caption saying the elements he shifts and his weaknesses and strengths. "You wanted to see our next target?" 

Anger surges within me as I thrash in my restraints. "Don't lay a fucking finger on any of them." I spit.

"Nice try Shifter, but you don't have any say in this." He hold us his radio and says, "Positive reaction. Deploy the troops." 

It was a test you idiot. I mentally curse myself as Mason comes closer to me. 

"What about our mental test now?" Without warning, he plunges a syringe in me. My eyes feel heavy and the last thing I see is Mason, and now Parker's taunting faces above me. 


There's the next part! Sorry I haven't been able to update, I've been busy with midterms. Th next chapter is going to be in Jude's POV again.




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