Chapter 12

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[ J U D E ' S P O V ]

"What the hell Brady?" Kira snaps as she stands next to me. She looks angry as she talks to Brady, her brown eyes filled with mixed emotions. A dark strand of hair falls in her face and I have a sudden urge to brush it aside.

What the hell. Get a grip man.

Instead, I curl my hands into fists at my side. Something snaps inside when he says "Okay. I'm sorry Kira. I really am."

I know something is off. No one just explodes and calms down that fast. "Absolute bullshit." I spit out once he's gone. "Blonde has something that he doesn't want others to know about."

"I trust him." Kira turns and looks at me. Her brown eyes find mine and for a second I believe her.

"Well I trust you enough to trust your judgement."

Lie. The small voice nags at the back of my head. I trust her yes, but not her judgement. She's desperate for love, love that she hasn't received from her sister, parents or even Xavier. She hides behind that sarcastic, witty mask. She hides her true self, but I've seen flashes of it. When she told the Elxi to take her instead of Ralph. When she jolted awake in the middle of the night. When she radioed in to us from inside Athanatos and you could hear the worry in her voice. When she still pulled that trigger without hesitation to save Parkman and me, and hit the Elxi in the leg.

Don't let her become cold. The voice nags again. She needs to open up. She needs to trust. Even if it's Brady, she needs to trust someone.

I sigh and walk away from her, trying to clear my head of her.

Snap out of it. Focus on Ralph. Focus on getting him back and ignore her.


There's the next chapter(s). Did this one in Jude's POV to switch it up a bit. How'd you like it?




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