Chapter 14

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"How do we bring him back without being caught?" Hayes' voice is quiet as she glances back to the Elxi. Thomas holds him tightly in place as Luke ties his hands behind his back with a strip of his shirt.

"Take the alleys?" I throw in.

"No, the Elxi check the alleys in packs. Miracle you found Tronvad here alone." Brady says bitterly.

Jude, Hayes and I are silent as we stare at him in shock.

"And how do you know his name?" Hayes says warily.

"His badge idiot." Brady rolls his eyes at her.

"Hey." Jude's voice is sharp as he glares at Brady.

"Calm down Brady." I notice Jude's anger and continue. "It was a logical question."

"We can't take the main streets. So the alleys are our best choice." Jude says.

I turn and walk towards the Elxi. A tattoo curls up the side of his face twisting into his dirty hair. Jude appears beside me and raises his chin, holding him in place as he glares at us with pure hatred.

"You hear that?" He spits." You're going to tell us everything you know."

"Let's go." I point to Thomas and Hayes, "Cover the front. Luke, Brady the back."

"One group?" Brady's voice carries a new level of authority. Of anger. "Are you trying to get us killed?"

The Elxi scoffs and growls "Please do."

"Let's. Go." I repeat as Thomas and Hayes move to walk infront of me and Jude. Jude has a knife to the Elxi's throat and my gun is aimed. I hear shuffling behind us letting me know Brady did come.

The alley is surprisingly empty except for the occasional person.

No Elxi? That's weird, they never leave the city unguarded? And Brady did say they wouldn't leave the alleys unwatched.

My thoughts drift to Brady's sudden change in attitude.

He was fine before. Kind, funny, sweet.

I feel heat rise into my cheeks at the sudden thought. A small smile creeps onto my face and I look down trying to conceal it.

But now? What's gotten into him? He's only spit words at me and Jude today and he's soon going to snap. In one day. One day and someone is already going to snap?

I'm broken out of my thoughts when I hear a grunt.

"Get your fucking hands off of me." Tronvad, the Elxi spits.

"Shut up and move." Jude says angrily, shoving him forward. "I don't want to hear another word," He pulls out a knife from his pocket, dangerously twirling it around his fingers. The action is so familiar to me, something I do when I'm anxious. Tronvad swallows and glares at us before walking again.


We reach the safe house quickly, the rest of our team heading inside. Walking in, I realize Cassi has put a soldier at each entrance guarding it.

"Upstairs." I push the Elxi towards the stairs hidden in the back of the room. The floorboards creak unevenly as we step on them, our shoes echoing.

I pull the door shut as I look around. Upstairs, the room is much smaller with a tiny window on the side of it. Dust gathers on the limited furniture: chairs and a table. I pull a chair out towards the middle of the room and shove Tronvad down by his shoulders. Jude comes behind me and ties him to it quickly.

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