Chapter 2

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I weave through the streets of Athanatos, trying to keep my head down. I know my way fairly well through these parts.

Damn. That was too close.

Encounters with Elxi are never good, especially if I have to use my powers. The dust below me rumbles as I stomp my foot angrily.

Crap. Not again.

People around me look and scream, running away. Some stay and stare in awe but when a lady screams, "ELXI!", I know it's time to leave. I flash her a grin before sprinting towards the gate surrounding Athanatos. Camp Aeras is a couple miles outside the city, and judging by the sun, it's around 2 or 3 pm. It usually takes me 3 hours to make it back, if I keep a steady pace; hopefully I can make it there before dark.

I crawl through the small opening in the gate, my long black hair pulled back so it doesn't get caught anywhere. Getting up on the other side, the dirt shifts beneath me.

Elxi may know the streets better than me, but this is my territory.


I smile as I finally reach Camp. There's not many of us left, about 150 in this camp. There were millions of us before The War. During The War, the Elxi killed most of us. There are stories about some of us being used as "experiments" and "testers".

I pass the lake where there's small children playing. "Kiwa! Kiwa! Kiwa!" A small boy calls. I immediately recognize him. Leo. He is an orphan, like most of us, but a few weeks ago I agreed to keep an eye on him. Since then, he has clinged onto me.

"Leo!" I hold on to him tightly. Moments like these make me even more thankful for not being caught. I'm reckless, and sometimes that's what gets me in bad situations. Leo is a constant reminder of why I need to be more careful. Why I need to come home.

"Kiwa, Xavier is looking for you. He told me to be a lookout for you." He says proudly, pushing out of my grasp.

"Awe, you took orders from that big old meany?" I say, poking him in the stomach before taking his hand and leading him toward Xavier's tent.

Xavier found me and my sister after my parents died and took us in. Since then, he has become more than just my guardian. He's become my instructor on Shifting, but most importantly he's become one of the closest friends I have.

"Xavier!" Leo calls, walking through the tent opening. "I brought back Kiwa!"

"Good job, little buddy." A strong, masculine voice calls from the corner of the tent. Looking over, I see Xavier's tall, lean, muscular figure come near. His dark brown hair is a mess, a striking difference with his kind, hazel eyes. Being the leader of Camp, he needs to be stong, both inside and outside. The people love him as a leader, he's never lead us astray.

He gives me a look that can only mean one thing: We'll talk about this later.

Sighing, I sit down in the corner of the tent. Leaning my head back on one of the wooden beams, I watch as Leo proudly babbles about what he did. Xavier keeps working but nods enthusiastically at Leo.

"Leo, why don't you run and get me some mangos from the tree?" Xavier asks him, giving him a small basket.

"Okay!" He says happily, oblivious to the ongoing war outside Camp. Sometimes I wish I could be like him: a child, growing up without having to scavenge for food. A child growing up without a care in the world, a child-

I'm shaken from my thoughts when Xavier hands me a bowl of stew and a glass of water. I down the water in one sip, and begin eating my stew hungrily. Seeing that Xavier has an amused look on his face, I mutter, "What?"

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