Chapter 4

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The gunshots ring though the forest and the flames sweep up the house as we keep running. My hand is latched onto Reyna's and she continuously pulls me forward. She glances back, checking for guards. She shoves me into a ditch, holding up a finger to her mouth, whispering "Shh" to me. I shake with fear and anger as my mothers screams abruptly stop.

"No!" I scream, running out of Reyna's grasp.

"Kira!" She pounces onto me, dragging me to the ground as she flips me over. "You need to stop! they will catch us otherwise!"

"They're gone! Mommy! Daddy!" I sob. Sadness and anger fills up inside of me. "Reyna... I want you to sing to me like Mommy." She lays down next to me, grabbing my hand and pulling me into a hug. She starts to sing the lullaby my mother sang to us:

Sleep, my child, and peace attend thee,
All through the night
Guardian angels God will send thee,
All through the night
Soft the drowsy hours are creeping,
Hill and dale in slumber sleeping
I my loved ones' watch am keeping,
All through the night.

I fall asleep beside her, and Reyna finally lets her guard down. Tears run down her face and she cries openly. I stir in my sleep, having a nightmare. With a scream I bolt up, Reyna putting her arms around me protectively.

"I got you Kira." She whispers into my hair. "I got you and I'm never letting you go... Sleep, my child..."

9 years later:

"Brady!" I yell, kicking the wooden beam holding his tent. "I don't know what time you would get up, but you're in Camp now! So get your butt up and out here!"

Jeez this boy can sleep through anything.

"I'm coming... coming." Brady mumbles from the tent. Emerging a few minutes later, he glares at me before asking, "Where to Boss?"

"Breakfast and then training."

We sit on a rug, with our food in the middle on a small table. Glancing up, I see Brady staring at me. I raise my eyebrows at him and he turns a deep shade of red.

Ugh boys are so unpredictable... and annoying. I mean it's not like I'm much to look at. My dark brown hair is falling in loose waves around my shoulders, framing my face. Like always, my dark eyes are calculating and cold. I'm wearing a simple blue tank top on top of black jeans. Inside of my tightly laced boots, a small knife presses into my calf, a weapon I always have with me and the only memory of my father I have left. Bracelets decorate my arms, all memories of things I've overcome, or fears I've put behind me. Along with the bracelets, I wear a simple necklace. The necklace has a red, stone pendent, with a black veins running through it. It reminds me of a heart: how even though we have red hearts, there's still that drop of darkness in it, waiting to spread. The necklace reminds me not to let that darkness spread, and not to give into it.

"You going to eat that apple or glare at it all day?" Brady asks nonchalantly.

I blink at him; his words breaking me out of my daze. "I'm gonna eat it." I bite into it, just to make my point. His grey eyes sparkle with amusement as he watches me. I shrug as I pick up my tray, dropping it off in the cafeteria.

Brady follows me, walking to the Weapons Shed. The Shed is one of the only buildings we have in Camp Aeras, and the only reason we have it is to prevent people from having weapons at unnecessary times. It's locked all the time, to protect the younger ones. I pull the key out of my pocket and stick it into the lock. After turning it and giving the old lock a firm pull, it pops open. Brady opens the door and walks in. He looks around, admiring the carefully crafted weapons. All kinds of weapons, from swords to spears to knifes to daggers to bows and arrows. Xavier has two guns, one from the Elxi we have as prisoner and one I stole from an Elxi a long time ago.

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