Chapter 7

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Ezra's POV

I open my eyes to see a bright light shining in my eyes. "Ugh..." I sit up and look around. An Imperial cell? Then I remember. The Ghost, Kanan, Ally, the smoke bomb, my leg brace. I stood up but soon fell back down as a wave of pain shot through my entire leg and into the rest of my body. "Aagh!" I hiss in pain. I look at my leg to see that my leg brace is gone.

That's just great...

Wait, KANAN! Where is he? The door opens behind me and the room lights up. I turn around. No, no. It can't be him. I gasped in shock. "Dad?" I ask while still wondering why today is full of surprises. He walked down the steps and in front of me. "Yes Ezra. It's me." He says, his voice deep as if he's angry. I scanned his appeal. He looked the same, except for the the red streak in his hair, the inquisitor clothes and the once blue eyes of hope, now a yellow ring of hatred. I stare at his eyes. "But you died at the house...on my birthday." I trailed off, thinking of the holographic message the crew and I got when I was blind. I am now looking at the ground. He grabs my face and forces me to look at him. "Wow, were you always this ignorant when I was living with you?" He asks himself and threw me against the wall. I groan in pain. "Me and your mother faked it. We were always with the Empire and if you don't join us, then you'll end up like my slave, Ally." He says and steps to the side as Ally walked down the steps. "Hello Ezra." She says as her voice cracks. She looked as if she hadn't eaten in weeks. "Ally, are you okay?" I try to ask her but father doesn't let her answer. "Leave us." He says and looks back at me. "But sir-" My father's fists clenched. "NOW!" He yelled and smacked her cheek. A red hand print started to form on her face. And turned and left with giving me one last glance. "Now, back to business, or should I say, fun." My dad smiled evilly and stepped towards me.

Kanan's pov

I paced around the imperial cell I was in. Back and forth, back and forth. I need to think of a way to find Ezra.

Think, Caleb, think!

All of a sudden, a scream broke my thoughts. It echoed through the halls. "Ezra!!!!" I yell and push against the for with all my strength and the force. It didn't budge. The screaming continued. I dropped to my knees.

No, Ezra... please no....

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