Chapter Seven: An Old Friend

Start from the beginning

Margaret almost immediately recognized her mistake and she clapped her hand to her mouth. She was known for chewing bubblegum to most people. But to people who really did know her, they would also add that she's a very tactless person, who couldn't control what the hell she was saying.

"Shit. I-I'm sorry. Of course you're not going to the cemetery," she muttered under her breath and looked down on the ground, suddenly ashamed.

I glanced at Kendra and waited for her reaction. Her back was on me, so I didn't see her expression. When she turned to face us, she was sporting a small smile on her face. I didn't even know if it was fake or not, and I'm her best friend. Sometimes Kendra could be such a good actress.

"It's okay, Margaret. You don't have to be sorry about it," she said softly. "But yes, I am going to the cemetery."

"Really?" I spoke up. It's been two years since it happened, but she never visited him ever. She doesn't want to dwell on to the past.

"Yes. I guess he would want me to go," she said, looking at me now. I knew then she was sincere. "Would you accompany me, Dee?"

"Of course I would." I wouldn't let my best friend to go through this alone. She needed me. And I knew if I was in her position, she'll go with me too.

The bell suddenly rang, signaling the end of classes. The three of us looked at each other and smiled sadly. That was the last time we're going to hear that bell in our high school lives. It was pretty emotional, since Margaret started bawling like a child. Seconds after she did, Kendra cried too. I wasn't the kind of person who tears up easily and so I ended up being the one comforting the two of them with the traditional pat on the back.

After we cleaned up our lockers (and cleaned up their swollen eyes), Kendra, Margaret and I went to the parking lot. Kendra was driving Topher's truck sine he was at home most of the times with the mysterious Sarah. I haven't seen her yet, and I couldn't wait to, which was why I'm having dinner with them Saturday night.

"My car's over there," Margaret said, pointing to the right. "I'll see you guys tomorrow, okay?" Then she frowned, confused. "Wait... Graduation is tomorrow, right?"

"Yes, Margaret," I said. "Aren't you supposed to write your salutatorian speech?"

"Oh shit, yeah," she said, biting her lower lip.

"We'll be cheering for you when you claim your salutatorian award," Kendra added.

"Aww, thanks, guys. That really means a lot— Ooh, who's that guy with the Mercedes Benz?"

I turned around and saw James, leaning on his car like a model from a poster. He was wearing another suit, but this time, he was also wearing some shades. When he saw me look at him, he took off his shades and gave me a blinding smile. My heart stopped, and it felt like as if I was in a rom-com movie.

"Oh my God, he just smiled at us," Margaret gasped. "Kendra, is this one of your many admirers?"

I suddenly felt awful with what Margaret said. Of course she didn't know about me and James, but it still kind of hurts that Kendra was her first choice to link with him. It was as if Kendra deserved James way more than I do.

"Uh, not exactly. He's Dee's admirer," Kendra corrected her, nudging me in the sides.

Margaret looked surprised for a moment as she looked at me in awe. I shrugged carelessly, as if to say, What are the odds, huh?

"You're dating that guy?"

"Just a summer fling," I said dismissively.

I turned back at the Mercedes Benz but James was already gone from his car. He was already making his way towards us. I felt my heart skip a beat as he walked to us, his eyes never leaving mine.

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