Chapter 10

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I wiped my face and stood up. “I’ll take my leave now. Yamashita-san, Sayonara,” I said bowing.

“Chihiro! You can’t! Onii-san needs you!” Aoi said to me.

I smiled a sad smile and said, “Yamashita-san has got you, Aoi. He doesn’t need me anymore. I trust you to look after him for me.”

I turned and was about to leave when Yamapi grabbed my wrist and said, “Matte, you haven’t told me your name yet.”

“Chihiro. Yamashita Chihiro desu.”

“Hey, you’ve got the same last name as me.”


“My wife?” I heard Yamapi say just before I ran out crying all over again but Aoi ran after me and stopped me before I did.

“Chihiro, the doctor did say that onii-san might have partial memory loss but he could also recover the memories he’s lost. You can’t give up now. I know he would remember!”

“Aoi, I know you are trying to help me but I don’t think he would ever recover. Maybe it would be better if he didn’t recover those memories.”

I just ran out of the room when I bumped into a person. Since I was looking down I didn’t see anyone. “Sumimasen,” I said before I walked off.

“Woah. Someone who doesn’t apologise to me actually apologised to me today? That’s weird.”

I knew that voice. I turned around and said in a weak voice, “Kazu, I’m not in the mood today.”

He walked over to me. “Where’s my cute little best friend Chihiro-chan?”

“She died.” I said crying and sitting down on floor.

“Chihiro, get up. You weren’t ever this weak before. Come with me, I’ll take you somewhere.”

“Kazu, I told you I wasn’t in the mood.”

“I know but just come yeah? I have something to tell you.”

“Fine,” I said sighing. I tried to get up but my legs were like jelly. They wouldn’t stand still.

“Let me help,” Nino said as he put his arm around me. We were walking as slow as a snail.

I guess Nino got frustrated because he was like, “Argh stop.” And he carried me instead, walking through many corridors until we reached the door of the hospital. He was pretty strong for a person with a small body figure.

He put me down when we reached his car. We both got in and he drove to wherever he wanted to go. I was drifting off not caring wherever I was getting taken. Right now I have nothing to care about. Yamapi doesn’t remember me. Everything’s over.

“Chihiro. Chihiro.” Someone whispered in my ear.

“Hm? I don’t want to wake up.”

“We’re  here.”

“Where?” I asked as I opened my eyes. “Bar K?”

“Yep. Let’s go inside.”


“Aiba-kun!” I smiled realising who was behind the counter.

“Ah Chihiro!” he smiled back waving.

“I didn’t know you work here!” The heaviness in my chest lifted. I walked over to the counter and sat down, in front of him and Nino followed.

“Oh I do, sometimes when I’m free. What do you want to order?” He asked getting ready.

“Anything,” I said shrugging. “Maybe something sweet as I like sweet things.”

“Okay let make you a cup of ‘Memories’,” he said as he started making it.

“Memories, huh?” I said softly.

Aiba finished making the drink and pushed the cup towards me. It was so beautiful. It is yellow and orange in colour.

“Douzo,” he said smiling. I held the cup in my hands and took a small sip. “Pi..”

“How does it taste?” Nino asked me.

“Oishii desu.”


“What did you use?” I asked him, curiously.

“Himitsu,” he said as he laughed.

“I’ll find out!” I drank the whole cup and smiled. “Are you here tomorrow?”

“No, I’m usually here on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.”

“Okay. I’ll come back soon.” I said as I left the Bar with Nino.

Yakusoku..?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon