Chapter 3

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Yuriko looked up and quickly put her phone away.

“Hai?” she said in an angry tone.

“I’m gonna go home now, okay?”

“Yeah okay. Wait, Chihiro did you buy the dress?”

“Uh n-spdpfwepijfh,” I said when Nino suddenly covered my mouth.

“Yeah she did. Did you pick it out for her? It was so cute.”

“Nino you saw?” Yuriko asked him.

“Yeah I did, I was finding you and bumped into her. You can go now Chihiro,” he said, finally uncovering my mouth.

“Hai! Jya ne!”


Why was he covering her mouth? Why did he lie? I knew he bought a dress for her but why didn’t he tell me the truth? I hate Chihiro. Hate her. Hate her.


I was humming my way home. I felt the cool breeze in my hair and thought of everything that had happened today. Nino bought me a dress and he even picked it out for me! Why do I feel so happy?

“I had picked Yamapi. Chihiro stop thinking about Nino. You love Yamapi,” I said to myself.

I was still humming when my phone rang.

“Cause you’re my one in a million. (My one in a million)

Sono mama de Believe me

Kimi ga One in a million”

(Yamapi ‘One in a Million’)

I smiled, “Yamapi!”

(Chihiro has a different ring tone for each person)

“Moshi moshi, Pi?

“Chihiro are you free right now?”


“Do you want to go out to dinner?”


“okay, I’m going to drive over to your house to get you okay?”

“Yup! Jya ne!”


I quickly ran home after the phone call.

Yakusoku..?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora