Ch. 9

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--Maddy's pov--
As I got dressed in the bathroom, I remembered how last night Shawn said we were together. Which makes absolutely no sense to me. I had no say. Sure I like him but I like Hayes more...for some reason.

"Shawn?" I yelled from the bathroom. He, I guess, ran to the door.
"Are you okay? What did you need?!" He asked. I was laughing by then.
"I need to talk to you. Can we be friends? I just got off of stress..." He nodded. I kissed his cheek.
"Thanks." I said. He stopped me.
"Forever waiting." My heart stopped.

I walked away. I grabbed matts hand and told him that we should go home...all of the boys (including Shawn) got in cars and went to the house.

We were all chilling in the living room.

"SPIN THE BOTTLE TIME!" Taylor yelled. I was comfortably sitting with my legs on Matt and my head resting on Taylors lap. Well, until he furiously yelled.

"Locate your chill." I said.

"Circle up." He said everyone made a somewhat circle with the couches and the coffee table in the middle with Taylors empty root beer bottle.

"Spin first only girl here." He said gesturing to me.
Since I was sitting next to Taylor and Matt I was laughing a little. I spun it hard. It slowed down and stopped at Jack G.
"Come kiss papa." He said. I have him a little peck on the lips.
Jack spun the bottle. This is great since I am the only girl here. which means every guy in this room is hoping the bottle doesn't land on any other guy.

I laughed at how it landed on Jack. They kissed each other real quick and we all just laughed real hard.
"Okay shush." He spun the bottle and it landed on Hayes. He rolled his eyes and chuckled. They kissed.

Hayes spun the bottle very lightly.

It stopped at me. Everyone stopped for a second and stared at me and him. I moved over to him and we kissed. Sparks....everywhere.
I pulled away.

The game lasted very long. Everyone went to bed after and I just stayed up in my bed thinking about that kiss. I got up and went by Shawns room. He was sleeping so peacefully.
I walked in quietly.
I sat down on his bed.
"What?" He asked in a whisper.
"Shhh. Go back to sleep. I'm sorry." I kissed his cheek.

He closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

I made my way into Hayes' room.

"Hayes?" I asked standing at the doorway.
"What? Yeah?" He asked turning on the lamp on the bed stand.
"Can I sleep with you? I had a nightmare." He nodded and opened the covers.
I walked over and layed down. He put his around around me just like old times. I took in the smell of his cologne and the warmth of his body. I smiled and fell asleep.
--Matts pov--
I got up and I went up to Maddy's room. She wasn't there. Of course everyone was asleep so I went around looking for her.
I first went to Shawn.
I doubt that she was in Hayes' room but I checked.
Yep. I didn't mind. I actually wanted this to happen. They were cute together and I think Hayes is much better now...considering his arm is around her in his bed.
I shrugged and went to the kitchen to start cooking.

"Hey. Need some help buster?" I heard Nash say with all the others except Hayes and Maddy.
"Hell yeah boys!" I yelled real loud.
--Maddys pov--
I groaned.
"You okay." I heard Hayes ask looking from his phone.
"My head hurts." I said laying my head on his chest looking at him play flappy bird.
"Want something?" He asked.
"Like medicine? No. I want to sleep all day. I don't feel good whatsoever." I said closing my eyes.
"Okay. I'll go get a bottle of water and me some breakfast. I'll be right back." He said getting up.

"Get me a warm rag?" I asked with a puppy dog face. He smiled. We are in the friend zone still. But it feels much more.

He came back with the rag on his shoulder and my water and his cereal.

I sat up.

"Thank you." I said. He sat the rag down for now and ate his cereal as he got sweatpants on.
"Need a hoodie?" He asked. I said no.

I layed down. I also put the rag on my forehead.

"Maddy?" I heard Cameron ask from the living room.
"Oh my gosh." I said getting up.
"Here get on." Hayes said letting me get on his back.
He walked into the room.
"Yes Cam?" I asked getting off. Everyone stood there in shock.
"Nothing? Okay. Hayes. Room?" I asked. He nodded.

"Wanna go shopping?" Hayes asked me.
"Ooooo. Yes." I said. I haven't been shopping in a long while.
"Alright get ready." He said taking off his sweatpants and putting on his jeans and sweater.
I put on my clothes (shown in beginning). And I applied light make up and curled my hair.
"I'm ready." I said.
He smiled.
"What?" I asked he looked down and scratched his neck.
"I forgot about these moments." He said.
"I didnt." I said. I walked out the door and out to the truck.

He shortly came after me.

"Where to first?" I asked.
"Mall. That's where we will be." He said. I was frightened of malls.

That last time I found the guy who killed my parents with Sam. Worst day ever.

"Oh." He put his hand on my thigh.
"We'll be fine." He said assuring me.
I nodded. He was still looking at me. We both leaned in.
And kissed.


"I forgot about how those felt." I said
"I didn't." He said biting his lip and looking at me with his bright blue eyes.

He started driving while we were holding hand.

Friends do this kind of stuff....right?

Stitches•Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now