Ch. 16

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--Maddy's pov--

I walked out of world geography, which is my last class, and headed towards my dad's office. I haven't seen him all day so he must've been busy.

"Hey, is Mr. Throne in his office?" I asked Mrs. Neighbors, whom sits at the front desk all day.

"Yeah. He's right back there sweetie." She said pointing towards his door. I smiled as she returned the favor.

**Knock knock**

"Come in." He said. I walked in slowly remembering how this office looked.

"When are we supposed to leave?" I asked sitting down. He just kept typing and looked up at me.

"After I get all files in order. A lot of new people equals new work. Just, do your homework until its time to leave." He said looking back down on his bright computer screen. 

Everyone says it's a good thing to be the principals daughter, but if you are, you'd think different.

I took out my algebra and looked over the paper that's due tomorrow. But, I didn't actually do my homework. I stared off into space thinking about what life would be like now if my parents never died. Would I be happy and have a free loving life? Or would it be the complete opposite? Because, right now I feel like I'm being kept in a cage...surrounded by my predator. 

"'s time to go home." My dad said snapping me back to reality. I put my book away and put my backpack on. 

We both got into the car and it was a silent way back home, all until he ruined the silence with a question I wasn't sure how to answer.

"How was your first day of school?" I just kept looking forward, knowing he was looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

"It was....different." I wasn't lying. It was different from the first time I went to Davidson Day, and completely different from Virginia.

"Different? What do you mean by that?" He said pulling into the driveway. I unbuckled my seat belt and got out. I breathed in deeply.

"I don't just wasn't the same. From what I'm used to." I said walking into the house with him following.

"We could make that different darling." He said. I have a strong feeling that he is growing to me.

"No. I'm fine, I like changes." I said turning towards him. I gave mom a hug and a kiss on the cheek and walked upstairs to take a shower. 

I got out and ran downstairs to tell them goodnight.

"Night guys. See ya in the morning." I said giving them a hug at the same time. They said goodnight and i ran upstairs to text Hayes goodnight.

Me-- Night babe! See you tomorrow morning.

H- Nighhhhttttt. See you l8ter. Come over tomorrow after school I gotta tell you something.

Me-- Okay.

I fell asleep wondering about what he was going to tell me.


Hey guys. Sorry this chapter was short. I didn't have a lot of ideas today. But tomorrow starts a new week and new chapters! Comment ideas for the story and message me if you want to discuss things! 


Stitches•Hayes GrierOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora