Chapter 21

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If you're reading and enjoying Love Symbol, thanks! Please vote or comment so I know you're there:) Here's chapter 21!!!! Dedicated to Banana because your comments rock! All you other commenters I see you, along with the new readers:) Hold on and the next one might be just for you! <3

On the outside, just looking at him, Michael is the perfect guy, the one I spent hours imagining. I mean, yeah, I spent most of my childhood with my nose in a medical book at my mother's job (an old-school diner) but that doesn't mean I didn't daydream. I pictured a tall, dark, and handsome man, with deep eyes and a perfect smile. Michael has those things (on the outside anyways), but one of the requirements of my imagined love was to be down for me no matter what. And that's Michael's flaw: He hates me. I can't read him, I can't understand him, and he's hurt me in ways I never thought possible. Despite all these things, when he merely glances in my direction, still, my heart raises to my throat.

He leans against the nurse's station, gazing at me as he pretends to update his charting. He's been booted back to Cardiothoracics, but that hasn't stood in the way of his brutal pursuit of everything that has to do with me. He looks perfect today, as usual, black curls falling over his face.

And then there's Will, standing on the other side of the Nurse's station. He's pretending to update the OR board when I know he's standing there staring at me point-blank. His green eyes seem to dance, and his tattoos poke out from under his lab coat. He's also everything I imagined, and he's got the whole 'down for me' part on lock. He proved that last week. His flaw: He's way older than me.

And then there's Jay. Wait... Jay? He struts down the hall towards me, just as Michael is closing his binder to walk over, just as Will is putting his piece of chalk back on the board to come talk to me. Jay slides in front of me, blocking my view of both of my pursuers. My smile falls as his rises, his eyes lighting at the sight of me.

"Hey babe!" He exclaims, folding me into a tight hug. At first, I'm stiff, but then I relax, and give into the embrace. This is my boyfriend, he checks all the boxes. It might also sound wrong to say that he's a perfect distraction from what's going on right now.

"What's up, what're you doing here?" I smile, blocking out all other eyes on me, Sea Green and Brown alike. "Nothing, I... haven't seen you in a while. I ran into your friend Ana, she said you'd be here. Is everything alright?" His mouth has settled into a worried line and his eyebrows are crinkled a little.

"No, nothing's wrong. I'm fine, I promise." I lean into him, placing a kiss on his cheek. "Ha, what's with you?" He smiles, prodding his cheek where I kissed it. "Nothing, I just missed you."

"And, who's this?" "Nobody important." I remember when Michael said that about me. Will and Michael stand side by side with the same looks on their faces, and their arms crossed. They may both be in the same mood, but I can still sense the rising tension between them.

"Oh, yeah. Chief Rose, I want you to meet my... boyfriend Jay." I plaster on a smile, looking up at him. He frowns deeper, and his eyes darken along with it. "Boyfriend?" He blinks. Michael rolls his eyes. "Nobody ever cares. Jay being her boyfriend never stopped me from-" "Ok, well. Chief, I was wondering if Jay could maybe... stay for a day? Watch one of our surgeries up close?"

"Up close?" I can tell he's still stuck on the 'boyfriend' part. "Yeah. We have that.. Corpus Callosotomy in a half hour, he could watch that." "I don't like strangers in my OR." "I'd like to watch you up close," Michael snickers to himself pervertedly. I ignore him and look up at Will again. "Please?"

"Sure. For you." He smiles, placing a hand on my shoulder. I shiver despite my mind telling me not to, and look at Jay. "You should start scrubbing in." "What?" "Rose! Why don't you show our guest how to do that?" Michael asks in a faux polite voice, cocking his perfect head slightly. Will returns the smile, clearing his throat. "Good idea."

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