Dare #14

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From: Jammerblue08716

A/N: Ohhh meh gawd, guuuuuys, I'm so fucken happy right know. *sqeals* I can play MiraJanes them on my violin..YUSH...but, now my fingers hurt...T^T


"Alright, sheesh, I'll play!" Natsu groaned. He was forced yet again to play a game with Lucy..by Erza...

It was a dare game with pocky...

"What the hell is pocky anyway?!"

Lucy huffed. "Well, let me explain the rules then I'll tell you. Sheesh. Alrighty, so, since Natsu is stupid.."

"Hey, I prefer retarded!"

Lucy rolled her eyes. Ever since Gray told him retarded mean smart, he won't spot saying it. Lucy saw Gray from the corner of her eyes and saw his was about to burst out laughing. "Huff. Well, we all sit in a circle and spin the bottle. Who the two it lands on must do the pocky game.."

Natsu tilted his head like a confused puppy. "You have yet to explain what pocky is.."

"Oh right, Gomen. Pocky is a stick of a kind of dessert. One person on one end and the other person on the other end. Then, you bite it till you kiss that person. Who ever pulls away first losses."

Natsu's face flushed. Was THIS really how he was gonna spend his F-I-R-S-T kiss?!

_time skip_

Everyone sat in a circle. Elfman and Evergreen were the first ones. Lucy then loke, then Gajeel and levy..

That left Erza, Natsu, and Gray...

Erza spinned the bottle and waited impaitently. (A/N: Don't wat your about to read...)
The bottle landed on Lucy...

Erza smirked as Lucy blushed. Slowly, they devoured the pocky. The two met in a kiss and locked eyes. It seemed timed had stopped...Lucy melted into the kiss...

Gray and Natsu smiled at each other..

Seemed like Erza was gonna ask her out after this...


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