Dare #13

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From: jaykau21



Natsu groaned and banged his head on the table. Today was rather boring, nothing great happened. Gray completely ignored his challenges, Lucy was with Levy and writing a book in the corner  and everyone else just ignored him...

Yep, completely boring!

Gray glanced at Natsu and sighed to himself. He has been thinking of a way to make a move on his salamander..well, soon to be his salamander.  Oh, how long he has waited to feel those soft warm lips.

Natsu groaned loudly and accidentally hit his drink, spilling it on the floor. Mira shook her head and handed his a towel. Gray jumped up and was gonna help Natsu. Natsu bent over, his ass facing Gray. Gray smirked and looked around. Nobody noticed.

Gray approached Natsu and now stood behind him. Natsu rose, not noticing Gray. Slowly, Gray pushed his crotch towards Natsu's ass. Natsu moaned then squeaked.

Gray smirked. "Natsu, what the hell?!" He whispered yelled. Natsu's face flushed. "S-sorry!"

Gray walked away but before exiting the guild, he noticed Natsu starting at him. Gray smirked and winked.

Natsus eyes widened. "Bastard!" He mumbled..

Natsu turned and faced his seat. He put his hand to his mouth and blushed furiously.

"D-did I really make that sound...?"

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