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Adeleyne stared in awe at the four pillars of the tower looming over her, and then back at Devon. They were finally together again. Outside. Not locked up. She could finally breathe again.

Devon had tried to convince her to escape, but Adele did not want to shatter what little is left of his hopes. He must accept the truth. They're imprisoned in this nightmare and it's only a matter of time before the officers notice that she's gone. They will search for her and they would have nowhere to go. Devon finally gave in. He had told her if they cannot get away from this mess, he would take her somewhere close to paradise.

And he brought her here, to the place where he spent the last years working day by day for its construction. This was her first time seeing it up close, and she was sure that this would go down in history as one of the best structures magnificently built, and her heart swelled with pride for Devon. They stopped under the central dome of the tower, which made her feel small and inconsequential. She closed her eyes, hearing the faint trickling sound of the Seine river nearby and Devon's soft breathing behind her, and for a moment, she wished they would make it until the daylight so she could admire the beautiful place under the shining sun. She knew she should not get her hopes up, but she pictured her and Devon standing in the same place under broad daylight, smiling and in love, with nothing to fear.

Maybe in another life.

Devon gently squeezed her hand, which brought her out of her reverie. "We're going to climb the stairs now. Ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

Devon fumbled around and held her hand as they made their way up the staircase. She could see his smile in the dark. She suddenly got excited. She didn't care about the Council anymore. She just wanted to enjoy what might be their last day together.


"Oh, promise me that someday you and I
Will take our love together to some sky
Where we can be alone and faith renew,
And find the hollows where those flowers grew,
Those first sweet violets of early spring,
Which come in whispers, thrill us both, and sing
Of love unspeakable that is to be
Oh, promise me, Oh, promise me"

Adele rested her head on Devon's chest and closed her eyes. His voice vibrated against her ears as he sang for her. They were already at the upper level of the third floor to hide, to where Devon's master's office was located. He hoped Gustav didn't mind.

Devon still remembered the time they first met; him offering bread to a crying twelve-year-old girl after she tripped on a rock at the market and all her basket's contents—her favourite freshly baked bread—had been strewn on a puddle. The memory felt like ages ago.

They were nearing the end, Devon could feel it. Ever since the Council took Adele, he knew his life was over.

He still remembered that day clearly; they had been at the forest early in the morning, laying down on the grass and holding hands. He had even given Adele a pebble with their initials carved on it: A&D. He had made it while he worked at the construction site and could never forget the look on Adele's face as she admired the pebble like one admires a precious jewel.

Every two in the morning, Devon would go to Adele's house and throw tiny rocks at the window of her room so her grandpa wouldn't hear him sneaking. She would sneak out of their house and he would take her hand as they run along the empty streets of Paris and make their way to their own secret forest. He smiled wistfully at the memory. 

It's been hours. Faint light entered through the small window. The sky outside was now light blue behind the morning mist at the crack of dawn. Adele was now wearing the golden ring that Adele's grandpa gave him the day he found out she was taken. He had proposed to her with it. He can still picture her grandpa staring at him with sympathy, his amber eyes seeming to turn gold as the sun's rays hit it, making them look like a century-old statue's eyes.

"Take this. Adele will need it,"  he had said as he handed him a tiny box. "I should've known it was you all along, that you loved her. But how... I guess our assumptions get the best of us." He had looked back at Devon, his expression wistful. "I am certain I will see you again, and that you will find Adele, in this life and the next."

"I love you so much Adele, always remember that."

Before she could even reply, there was a loud bang. Someone was trying open the door. They both jumped in surprise and immediately crouched behind the huge wooden table and shelf. He held Adele tightly, shielding her as they hid.

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