Chapter 11: Here's Collage And G Videos

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3 weeks later, they went to Collage... MY Collage.
P.S. I always went to gay and lesbian schools because I felt safer around gays.

Normal POV

"Well here we are." Shadow said walking in the school. "Terrier Sexual Collage." Sonic said reading the sign in front the school. "So this is a gays Collage." Sonic asked. "Yeah." Shadow said coming back outside. Well a gay AND lesbian Collage." Silver added. "Damn, they still have girls." Sonic said disappointed.

"Well, let's make the best of it." Silver said with a warm smile. "Oh and I have to tell you guys something, I'm a werehog too." Silver said. "Yes I knew you were a werehog." Sonic and Shadow said together with excitement. "Oh Shadow...." Sonic said. "Can Silver join us?" Sonic asked in Shadow's ear. "Join us?" Shadow asked. "Join us as in be with us like date each other." Sonic said. "Ohhhhhhh..." Shadow said getting the point. "Yeah." Sonic said. "Well then, Silver will yo-" Shadow's sentence was cut off when Silver hugged him. "Of course I'll join you guys group. I miss you guys love anyway!" Silver said with joy. "Yay hugging!" Sonic said, hopping on Shadow's back. "Whoa OK let's go to our dorm. Shadow said carrying Sonic on his back and Silver holding his hand. "Well here it is room 28." Shadow said stepping in their room. "CLASSES ARE CANCELLED UNTIL NEXT WEEK ON WEDNESDAY." The intercome said. "Yes no classes for this week and half of next week." Shadow said excited."Well lets make it best for us." Sonic said. "They have a pool, you guys wanna go swimming?" Shadow said. Sonic froze right where he was standing. "S-Swimming?!" Sonic said fearfully. "You mean like a big hole that has a deep end?" Sonic said shaking. "If so, I can't go." Sonic said. "Why not?" "I'm absolutely petrified of water." Sonic said. "Its OK Sonic. We'll teach you." Silver said. "OK." Sonic said still a bit scared. They all got there swimming clothes on and went to the pool. "Wow, I may not know how to swim, but I'm going to be spending a lifetime here." Sonic said. "Come on. You can start at the 3 foot area. Then you can move a few feet up." Silver said. "OK. Can we just play a bit? So I can just get use to the water?" Sonic asked. "That's the best thing to do." Shadow said. "You want us to stay with you?" Silver asked. "If you guys want to." Sonic said. "OK." Shadow and Silver said at the same time. "Hey Shadow, I wanna see you do a backflip on the high dive and swim back." Sonic said. "Well that's easy! I can do two!" Shadow said in a matter-of-fact tone. "OK show me." Sonic said. Shadow ran to the high dive and climbed up the ladder. "OK." Shadow said to himself. He took a deep breath and turned around getting prepared. "1...2...3!" Shadow said as he jumped. "He's actually doing it!" Sonic said shaking Silver's arm. Shadow did two backflips and landed in the water. "Yay Shadow!" Sonic said. Shadow came back up and swam back. "That was so cool! You did two backflips in mid air!" Sonic said. "Yeah and now I feel light-headed." Shadow said. Sonic chuckled and kissed him on the cheek. (my hand is broken and I'm writing slow X() "Well let's get you swimming Sonic." Silver said. "O-OK." Sonic said scared. "OK let's start with floating." Shadow said. "OK." Sonic said. Shadow and Silver laid Sonic down with Shadow holding him up underneath. "OK relax." Silver said. Sonic relaxed himself. "Good now don't move a muscle." Shadow said. Sonic didn't move. Shadow and Silver looked at each other. They both smirked. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Shadow said. Silver nodded. Shadow went underwater while Silver backed up. Shadow pushed Sonic up while Silver put his hand in Sonic shorts which both startled Sonic and made him moan. "Ahhh....what?...ahhhhh..." Sonic moaned. Shadow and Silver picked him up our the water and brought him in their dorm. They laid him down on the bed not caring that they were still wet and the bed was getting wet. Shadow started kissing and licking his neck. "Ah...haa...Shads..." Sonic moaned. Silver was tugging Sonic and Shadows shorts. Shadow pulled his down a bit. Silver pulled Shadow's shorts off and moaned at Shadow's ass. He kept tugging at Sonic's shorts. Sonic was giving nothing but moans and pleasured faces. He pulled his shorts down a bit. Silver pulled them off and started to jerk Sonic off. " god....ahhhh..." Sonic moaned. Shadow put himself into Sonic. Silver straddled Sonic and put his dick in Sonic's mouth. "Ahhh yeah so warm..." Silver moaned. "Ahhh....your mouth is so warm.....ahhhh..." Silver moaned again. Shadow cummed in Sonic's ass. "Ahhhh..." Sonic moaned as he felt Shadow's cum fill him up. Sonic continued to suck off Silver. Silver moaning like crazy until he finally cummed in Sonic's mouth. "Ahhh..." Silver moaned. "Hey guys I just got a text from my friend Pilkey." (yeah I added myself in the story) "He said he wants all of us to do a video of us grinding on the bed and send it to him." Shadow said. In Silver and Shadow's head they were cheering. Outside they were being there normal selves. "That'll be his for you Shadow since your a stripper." Sonic said. "Yeah but we need someone to hold the camera." Silver said. They all began to think. " Hey how about Mars, Pilkey's ex-boyfriend." Shadow said. "Yeah but we're is he?" Sonic asked. "Probably trying to get Pilkey back. Or doing something pervy." Shadow said with a smirk. "I'll go find him." Sonic said. It didn't take him time at all. He was right there standing by the door of his dorm. (texting me gay shit for the 10,000 time) "Hey Mars I need you to video tape and edit something for me." Sonic said. "For who, for what, what of, and why me?" Mars said. "Well,...for Pilkey, because he's pervy like you, me, Shadow and Sliver grinding, and because you are the first person that came to mind." Sonic said. "OK. Lead the way." Mars said. Sonic and Mars entered their room. "OK here's my phone, don't put any passwords or viruses on it or I will kill you for killing my digital life." Shadow said handing Mars his phone. "Completely doubted and fulling noted."Mars said. (Mars is like those kind of guys who are all ways confused for normal and gay guys) Shadow growled and got on the side and took his shirt off. "OK 3...2...1 go!" Mars said as he started the video. Silver put the song Blackout on. Shadow came out first and put his hands behind his head with the others following him and took their shirts off. They and turned there hips and did a backflip onto the bed. They got on all fours and grinded the bed. They rolled there backs and twerked downward. "Mnmm..." Sonic moaned quietly. "Enjoying it?" Shadow whispered. "Mmmhmm..." Sonic hummed. Shadow snickered. They put there hand on there necks and grinded a bit harder. They got on there knees and grinded forward. They all got off the bed and Mars ended the video. "OK now you need to edit it." Shadow said. Mars edit the video and sent it to Pilkey.

OK guys 1261 words are just perfect to end it here. Look out for the next chapter Broken Parts. I broke my hand so I thought why not have one of them break a part of there body. Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, thanks to The Grind Team for doing awesome sexy grinding (SO good XD) and I will see you guys next time. (DanTDM voice)Gooood Byyyyyye Guys!

1332! Wow!

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