Chapter 1 :They Meet

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Sonic was running as usual when the sun went down. Sonic stopped running and fell. He started to change his color. His fur turned a pale greenish-blueish color. His ears shrunk a bit and his teeth grew bigger. After a few more changes his transformation was complete. He let out a loud howl."Well time to start hunting." said Sonic. As Sonic started to run,he heard another howl. But it was louder. Sonic stopped in his tracks and ran to the howl. When he reached his destination,he found another hedgehog."Who are you?" said Sonic. "I'm Shadow and you are?"Shadow said."I'm Sonic,Sonic the hedgehog well,in this case the werehog."answered Sonic. Shadow walked up to Sonic on all fours and whispered "Your cute." said Shadow."Huh?"said Sonic.

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