"Too late. We're having a forbidden romance. It's sooooooo dramatic." I rolled my eyes. Kyoya was still twitching from being called a big softy. Oops.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I kid you not, I saw a dinosaur in his eyes.

"Yep, that's a cavity alright." I frowned down at the scared blonde.

"Honey, I told you if you eat that much of my sweets you're either going to get a stomachache or cavity!"

"I'm sorry Aya-chan! I just forgot a couple times." His eyes watered pitifully, "and it's not that bad so I should have a piece of your awesome cake!" He smiled desperately.

"Sorry Honey-senpai, Mori is right. No more sweets for you. I'm locking the kitchen from now on. And putting that unnecessary security, you rich people buy, to use." I saw Mori nod appreciatively.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Honey cried reaching for the kitchen as I did what I promised.

"Whhhhhhhhhy!!!!!" I pay his head awkwardly as I headed to the cooking club.

I went to school the next morning with Tamaki pestering the crap out of me.

'We need bonding time.' He says.

'We need to be close.' He says.

'Be an adorable imotou and accept it!' He says.

'I will beat you until you forget you HAVE an imotou.' I say.

You would think he would get the hint. But nooooo. He had to put on the puppy eyes he so often used on Haruhi.

I finally gave in when he bribed me with ice cream.

Weak-willed? Yes.

Ice cream crazed? Hell yes.

I soon forgot my brother troubles when I saw Honey. I had to pinch myself to stop myself from cooing at how adorable he looked.

The wrap was tied to make it look like bunny ears and he had a sad look on his face.

It seemed I wasn't the only one struggling to contain my thoughts.

That snapped me out of it. I was not going to be like those girls who's squeal burst eardrums from all the way to America. Poor Americans.

I walked into the host club and slumped down on the couch.

Feeling bored I took out my phone and opened a strange app called Wattpad. It had a bunch of stories by unpublished authors. It was pretty cool to browse I guess.

I opened a new story in the fanfiction genre.

Tamaki's Sister
By: Dark__Fairy

Tamaki always thought he was a only child. So what happens when a young girl claims to be his sister?

"Booooooring! What kind of story is that?" I rolled my eyes and trashed it. Honestly, what kind of trash do people write now-a-days?

"A-Aya-chan." A voice sniffles from behind me.

I cried out in shock and fell on my butt. Graceful, I know.

"H-Honey-senpai?" I stuttered and slowly but carefully wiggled away.

"I'm so hungry."

"Um, celery?" I suggested pulling out a pack of school vegetables.

"No" he whined despairingly.

"Oh, um, hahaha! Look at the time! I'm late for...History! Yes, that's it! History!" I slowly backed away.

"Aya-chan just one more slice of cake! I-It won't hurt!" He pleaded, gripping my dress skirt.

'Curses!' I thought in desperation, 'I wish I rebelled and worn my jeans today.

"Oh nooooooo!" I said dramatically waving my arms, "I am sooooo late! S-see ya later senpai!" I dashed out of the room.

If you were a innocent bystander in the school you would've seen me running away from Honey, who was getting more desperate by the moment. You would've also seen his demon side come out and nearly break my classroom door. If you were in my classroom, you and everyone else, including me, would be hiding in corners, cabinets, or anywhere else. You would've also seen my History teacher pull out a shield and sword. But, that's another story.


I flinched when Mori coldly declared Honey was disgraceful. That's actually the meanest I've seen the gentle giant act.

What shocked me most is when Honey flipped Mori. He bumped a couple times on his, uh, arse.

~After a few heartfelt moments you probably want to see but Author-chan is to lazy to write~

We were dressed as Alice in Wonderland characters. Weird huh?

I was currently dressed as the female Mad Hatter. Tamaki insisted to be dressed the same. He almost got Haruhi to dress the same.

I noticed Haruhi had a couple of stray tears in her eyes.

"You okay?" I asked nudging her slightly. She nodded and smile happily.

"Let's play that commoner game, Kick the Can!" I have a feeling something was going to go wrong. Ah paranoia. The most wonderful thing in the world.

Tamaki's Sister (OHSHC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora