"Mommy, why is it so foggy?" He asked with a whine.

"Because we're entering Kiri, or the village hidden in the mist. We're surrounded by mist right now, and will be for a while." She said with a laugh, but the laugh was cut short as she heard the clashing of metal weapons hitting each other.

Meiko quickly ran into the forest area, glancing around them in a quick motion. Taka was slightly panicking on his mothers back.

"Mommy, what's wrong?" He asked, and Meiko looked back at him, shushing him quietly. The boy nodded, but she could feel him shaking on her body.

"It's okay baby, I just hear people fighting and I want to keep you safe." She whispered quietly, and Taka nodded slightly. As Meiko crept along the forest, she was watching around for where the noise came from.

Meiko became tense as she finally saw where the fighting was coming from. A large man was pressed up a tree, and a silver hair jonin had him pinned against it.

Meiko watched as the large man fell to the ground, Sebon needles lodging themselves in his neck. A small tracker ninja came out and began to talk to the group of ninja, while Meiko crouched down behind some bushes to hid herself and her child.

A few minutes passed before the silver haired ninja turned around, and Meiko gasped loudly as she stared at ninja in front of him. The one man she's wanted to see for the last 6 years.

Kakashi Hatake.

Meiko's eyes welled up with tears, and she slowly got up. She walked out on the road since she was a little bit away from them, but as she came up on the group, Kakashi fell to the ground.

Meiko began to panic on the inside, but she didn't show it on the outside. She just walked up to the group, and bent down beside of Kakashi.

"Hey lady! what are you doing?! Get away from my Sensei!" A blonde haired boy who reminded her of Minato screamed at her.

"I'm a medical ninja." Meiko said, which wasn't a complete lie. She had training in the medical field. "I saw your Sensei go down. So I decided to help. If you don't want my help, I'll leave."

"No! Please help." A pink haired girl said, and Meiko nodded slightly as Taka crawled off of her back and stood beside of her. He was staring at the man who looked just like him as his mother began to check the mans pulse.

"His pulse is fine. Do you guys have anywhere you guys are staying where I can get a better look at him?" She asked, and the elderly gentleman nodded slightly.

"My home." He said, and Meiko nodded slightly before looking at Taka.

"I'm going to carry this man to their house, and I want you to walk right beside me. Understand?" She said sternly, and Taka nodded quickly.

"Yes ma'am!" He said as he watched his mother placing the larger man on her back. And once she had him on her back, Taka glued himself to his mothers leg.


They walked into the old man, Tazuna's, household, and Meiko laid Kakashi down on a bed that Tazuna led her to. Meiko sighed heavily as she laid him down, Taka still standing right beside of his mother, clinging to the fabric of her pants.

"Okay Taka, I want you to go sit out there with Naruto and Sakura while I work on him, okay?" She said, and Taka nodded slightly as he quickly walked out to where the other children were.

Meiko sighed heavily as she looked at Kakashi, noticing that he had his headband pulled up, which meant he had been using his sharigan. And right there, Meiko knew what happened to him. He overused his sharigan, and now he had no energy and was low on chakra.

Meiko sighed heavily as she sat down on the bed beside of Kakashi, taking in every single feature of the man she loved. She ran her fingers along the side of his face with a small smile, pushing his silver hair out of his face.

"I love you, Kakashi." She said before she leaned down and kissed his forehead like she did to Taka so many times when he was tired or had a bad dream. Meiko pushed his hair back slightly before she got up and walked out of the room. She walked into the room where Taka was sitting with Sakura, and she was looking down at him laughing.

Meiko smiled slightly as she saw her son making friends with his fathers squad members. But the moment was cut short when Naruto ran over to Meiko, begging to know what happened.

"Is Kakashi-Sensei okay?! Is he?!" He asked

"Yes, your Sensei is fine. He just over used his chakra, and he passed out from exhausted. I was coming to ask if you guys had a wash rag I could wet and cool him down a little bit, because he feels like he has a slight fever."

Tazuna got up and walked out of the room for a moment, before coming back with a damp cold wash rag in his hand. "Here you go, kid." He said.

"Thank you, Tazuna." She said as she walked back to the room, gently folding the rag a little neater so it would fit perfectly on his head. She smiled gently as she walked over to Kakashi, placing it gently on his head.

Meiko sat down beside of him one more time, brushing his hair out of his face. This was a habit she had picked up on since Taka was born. She loved to see his face, and now she wanted to see Kakashi's face in the same way.

Meiko leaned down and kissed the mans nose, before she stood up. "I love you Kakashi. I hope you're foot okay." She said as she started to walk towards the door.

That is until a voice stopped her.

"You're not gonna say goodbye after being gone for so long?"


Chapter 2!!
sorry if it's all over the place, I know where I want to get this story; it's just getting there right now.

Lost (Book 2 of the KITD series)(NWA Third Place Kakashi winner.)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat