Chapter 17

536 99 58

Mood:Bastille- requiem for jeans

" I'll love you till the end of time .. Promise you'll remember you're mine.. "



Me(shouting): Harry watch out .. Li-

Harry spun around quickly and took the stick from his hand and hit him so hard .. I was schocked .. Liam fainted .. Harry took my hands and ran .. Fortunately,Nobody was there .. We ran untill we reached the plane .. We said goodbye to Simon .. Simon is really handsome man .. Im gonna miss him , I promised to call him on skype soon .. Niall cried because he really love his uncle .. We entered the plane and took our seats ... I sat between Harry and Niall ..

Harry(holding my hands and smiling): Now we are together , nobody can come between us .. Just me and you ... I left my family and everything in this world to be with you .. Its gotta be you .. Only you

Me(nodding and holding his hand tighter .. Looking at him): Yeah .. No more drama Haz .. But Im scared

Harry(confused): Why are you afraid?

Me(looking at the ground): Im afraid that something wrong may happen .. I have this feeling..  I dont know Harry ...

Harry(looking at me still confused , his eyes begun to be filled with tears): You know I'll never leave you , okay? I mean .. We will never leave each .. you love me right? Why are you afraid? Do you wanna break up? Do you love someone else?

Me(quickly answering): N-No ofcurse Harry .. I didnt mean it like that please dont misunderstand me .. Im just scared! Relationships are scary .. Its diffrent now .. You are my boyfriend ..

Harry: So?

Me(holding his hands again): So we wil never leave each other .. okay?

Harry(confused .. Nodding): Okay

Me(yawning): Im so sleepy now .. lets sleep yeah?

Harry(smiling and staring at me while I was putting my head on his soft shoulders): y-yeah .. Im gonna sleep too Lou

I looked at him and smiled .. He smiled back at me .. We slept together .. Niall was reading a magazine and eating ..

after an hour I woke up at the sound of Harry

Harry: Lou Iam sorry I didnt mean to but I loved him first .. I love you too Lou but its confusing me .. I want you both

what! I opened my eyes.. He was talking while he was sleeping ! But what if he was hiding something from me? no ofcurse not ..

Me(shocked): WHAT HARRY?!

Harry(in a soft low voice , slowly opening his eyes): What Lou? I was sleeping ?

Me(worried): Y-you were talking while you were sleeping .. You said you love someone more than me

Harry(shocked): Really? I love you . You know I d-dont l-ove a-anybody else y-yeah?

Me: Why are you stuttering Harry?

Niall(interrupting us ): WE ARRRIIVVEED

Me(I looked at harry I was so confused .. I looked at Niall nodding): Yeaah at last !!!

We got out of the plane ..

Harry(smiling at me): I went to Newyork many times before .. I've many memories here

What if he loves someone from Newyork? Why is Harry acting like this?... Ofcurse he was sleeping and he didnt mean it

Me(nodding): Yeah .. Its a beautiful city

Niall noticed my wierd actions .. Niall understands me to he gave me a look that meant " Why aren't you happy?"
I nodded .. He understood that this means that I'll tell him but not now .. We were friends since highschool so ofcurse we understand each other ..

We took a taxi .. Me and Harry went to my home by a taci.. Niall went to his home by another taxi .. I told Niall to call me when he arrive home ..

I went with Harry home ..  Mum opened the door

Jay(happily): Louiisss oh my god I miss you

She hugged me .. I really missed her ..

Me: Mum this is Harry .. My boyfriend

Jay(hugging Harry): Im so happy to meet you Harry ..

We went inside .. Lottie and Fizzy were at school .. Suddenly , my phone rang .. It was Niall

Me: Hey Nialler! Have you arrived home?

A sound of a women: Do you know Niall! Are you from his family!

Me(worried): N-no but Im his bestfriend?!!

Women: Niall is in the hospital .. He was walking and made an accident

Me(stuttering and so worried): WHAT!!! GIVE ME THE ADRESS AND THE HOSPITAL'S NAME

She gave the adress to me .. I told Harry.. We went together .. I was so worried


Hope you enjoy this chapter<3

Omegle -Larry stylinsonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ