Chapter 4

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Mood : Devil's tear - angus and Julia stone
"Some call love a curse .. Some call love a thief she's my home <3"

We walked to the office and talked

Niall: Okay so whats up you look so happy today? I havent seen you like this for years

Me: Nthing yk just Harry make me so happy .. He's special idk I think I cant pass a day without talking to him?

Niall: Aww you should look at your face when you mention Harry

Me: Oh .. Yk his effect to me

Niall: I havea surprise for you :)

Me: What??

Niall grabbed his bag and took two tickets and gave them to me

Me: Omg Niall whats that!! omg Niall its a trip to Paris after 19 days!!!! Are you kidding Niall! omg tysmmmm !!! this means the world to me! you did this for me !!

Niall: Its okay bro! I took holiday for a week from work and the manager accepted ..

Me: I cant describe how happy Iam .. Im really thankful Niall !!

Niall: You're welcome x now I should go to my office to complete work .. We'll go to the bar with Zayn after work? yeah?

Me: Sure ! Bye mate

Niall: Bye !

Niall went to his office And I sat on my chair waiting for patients ..

I had no time to chech my mobile it was a busy day .. I finally finished at 3:00 pm

I met Niall after work .. We went to Zayn's house a drove the car to bar .. Zayn was an old freind , he was so close to me ..

Zayn: Its so crowd today! Ughh I cant wait to arrive .. Why you seem happy these days Lou? ;)

Louis: Uhh Ummm Because of Harry?

Zayn(with a shocked face): Who's that?

I explained everything to Zayn

Zayn: Aww It will be so cute when you see him!

Louis: Tnx bro :)

Niall; We arrived !!

We entered the bar .. I sat with Niall and Zayn and drunk 5 glasses of wine .. i got so highh .. I opened my mobile to open Harry's chat he sent me messages but I didnt see them I wasnt concentrating.. Niall was drunk to and he was talking to a girl .. Zayn wasnt drunk .. He doesnt like drinking so he was talking to his sister on mobile ..

I opened Harry's chat

Me: Omggdhhs Jarry cvnv

Harry: Lou? S'up! Are you drunk??

Me: Duuuuuuhhhh

Me: yipkvn druuuuNLKKK

Harry: Are you safe ? Are you with someone?

Me: Yuuppp Iam with Zayyniee and Niallrer

Harry: Take care of urself amd let them take care of you ,Are the two drunk?

Me: Naaah Zayn doesnt drinkkkk

Harry: but Lou plz dont drink its harmful yk

Me: I Lvvvewe ya harrrryyyy

Harry: w-what?



short chapter :-)
Hope you enjoyed this one x
It took me sometime to update :/
Im gonna update faster nxt time x
All the love x

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