Chapter 14

622 133 71

Mood: Friends - Ed Sheraan

"But your eyes lead me straight back home <3 "



I woke up with my eyes closed .. I felt someone kissing me on my forehead .. Then I heard a sound shouting in happiness

"Oh my god ! How did you do that? He is so fine now he can get out of the hospital tonight .. I'll leave you now with him " I didnt recoginze this voice .. It was the first time yo hear it .. Then I felt a door shuttered

" Omg ! Lou babe ! Are you okay ? Do you hear me ????" It was Harry's voice .. He sounds to be so excited

I opened my eyes slowly .. I was in a hospital .. Why I am here? What happened ? I dont remember what happened .. I was thinking so much and trying to remember why I am here that I didnt hear anyone talking .. I saw Harry holding my hands then I stopped thinking and smiled weakly at him ..

Harry(smiling at me) : Babe are you okay? Do you hear me Lou?

Me: Yes Hazza .. Why am I here? What happened?

Harry(looking at me sadly) : I dont know .. I was so cold yesterday and couldnt sleep , So I wanted to visit you .. But when I came I found you on the ground with your head full of blood I dont kno-

I remembered everything .. I remembered the tall man who hit me with gis sticks

Me: Yes .. I remembered! Someone came he was tall and I cant remember his face but he came and hit me with his stick untill I fainted

Harry(shocked and scared): Oh my god ! Lou .. T-this was LIAM!!! I told you he wont leave us alone!

Me(looking at our hands together and smiling.. I was so tired but I wanted him not to feel bad about what happened ): Its okay Harry Im fine we can cancel the flight and fly to Newyork tomorrow okay? Everything will be fine

Harry(smiling): The doctor said you can go out the hospital tonight and we arranged the flight tomorrow !

Me(putting the another hand on his lips) : Thanks for saving me Harry

Harry(smiling and holding the two hands): But I was the reason in all what happened Lou  ..

Me(holding his hand so tight): No babe you werent I love you just remember that okay? I just need you here with me ..

Harry kissed my head and then looked at me saying

Harry: I love you too Lou

There was a knock in the door and it was the doctor ..

The doctor(looking at me and harry with a happy face .. He looked so happy): Congrats Mr.Tomlinson .. Im happy your okay .. Harry's the reason you're alive I dont know how did this happen but when he kissed you on your forehead your heart beats faster and you were fine .. He has that effect on you .. Dont ever lose that friend

Me(looking at Harry smiling then looking at the doctor): Actually he's not just a friend doctor .. We ehm we are boyfriends!

Doctor(he smiled .. I didnt expeact that I expected he'd feel uncomfartable): Aww you too are so cute couple .. You look so perfect together .. By the way Niall wanted to visit you Louis he was so worried about you ..  I will let him enter okay !

Me(answering quickly): Of course!

Niall entered he ran and hugged my so tight .. His eyes were so red from crying

Niall(crying out of happiness): I-I thought Im gonna lose you Lou I miss you..

Harry was behind Niall .. I glanced at him .for a second before answering Niall .. He looked so jealous .. Ive never seen Harry like this .. To say the truth , I like him when he's jealous!

Me(looking back at Niall): Dont worry mate Im so fine now .. Everything is okay and I miss you too

Niall pulled away slowly .. His mobile rang so he had to go out to answer .. I  sat on the bed . Harry was sitting at the edge of my bed talking with me about returning tomorrow to Newyork .. Later , the doctor entered and said its okay for me to leave the hospital .. I walked with Harry , Niall and Simon and sat in the car , Simon was riding the car and I was sitting beside Harry .. I saw Harry checking his mobile .. He looked shocked and begun to shake .. He looked so scared .. Tears were stucked on his eyes .. I noticed then asked him .

He couldnt speak .. He just showed me the text on his mobile

Liam ( 22:47) : " I wanted to kill Louis yesterday But I think I can give you one last chance .. Louis is so hot anyway nice choice Harry .. ButI wont leave you and your boyfriend alone Harry"


Will they fly to Newyork tomorrow?Or will Liam stop them?

Hope u enjoy this chapter x
All the love as always <333

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