Chapter 10

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Mood: Good enough- little mix

"Am I still not good enough? Am I still not worth that love ? "

(Louis Pov)

Of course Niall isnt jealous .. He doesnt love me .. We've been freinds since highschool .. Niall is my freind and he cares about me and become too sad when something wrong happen .. He want the best for me .. So Why did he do that? Whatever ... I changed my clothes and wore a very tight black trouser and a white t-shirt written on it "It is what it is" .. I got out of the room to find Harry

Harry(staring at my body) : Oh my goddddddd !!!!!!! you look so good today Lou

Me(standing there looking at the ground and I blushed) : Thanks Lou you too look so so good

Harry(with a smile on his face) : Lets go now love

We went downstairs and I sat in his car and he drove .. We kept talking about life and that he'll make a surprise to me ..

We arrived to a big restaurant .. It looked so expensve we entered there .. It wasnt crowded .. The music was slow and sweet .. The place was so romantic .. We sat and Harry ordered chocolate cake and pepsi cans ..

Harry: So you liked this place?

Me(smiling back at him) : Ofcurse its too romantic !

Harry: you know Louis .. When I first talked to you in Omegle I felt that you'll be special .. Louis you're an amazing person and I'll never find anyone like you .. You're mine Lou .. I love you

Me(I blushed and looked at him smiling) : I love you too Harry

Harry(he smiled) : Then prove it!

I wasnt expecting him to say that .. I looked at him with a confused and shocked look .. Then he began to move closer to me .. Something inside me said not to kiss him .. Something inside me said that Niall isnt jealous .. I cant do it though I want to .. I moved steps back and He moved steps forward .. Till The wall was behind me .. I want it .. But something inside me said I cant do this..

He looks at my lips then kissed me  .. I dont know but I was scared of what Niall said .. However ! I kissed back .. It was an amazing feeling till we pull away slowly . We were both so happy and he kept saying romantic things and we talked till it was too late .. He said He'd to go back home .. He drove untill we reached Simon's house ..

I knocked the door to find Niall looking so sad and he looked like he was crying and didnt sleep

Me(with a worried and confused look) : Omg Niall .. Were you crying?

Niall(with a sad look and his voice was so low) : Did he kiss you?

Me(looking at the ground) : y-y-yess?

Niall: okay .. Now go to sleep .. I'll sleep too

I entered my room and I was too sleepy .. I didnt even think about Niall but I was so worried .. Why is he acting like this?

The next morning .. I woke up .. I moved to the bathroom and washed my face then I went downstairs .. I heard Niall talking to Simon .. But they didnt notice I was there .. Niall didnt sleep last night and it was so obvious .. His eyes were so red..

Niall(with a broken voice): B-but I saw him! I saw the pictures .. He wont believe me but He had to tell him .. What if he is using him? What if he wants him to have a broken heart?

Simon : Niall in the two cases he'll be broken ..

Niall: I dont want him broken .. I love  him ..I mean love him as friends .. Bestfriends .. I dont want him to be broken .. He deserves someone who's too kind and sweet .. He's so kind and innocent He-

Simon noticed that I was standing there .. Niall and Simon looked at each other with a confused look

Simon: How long have you been here?

Me(with my eyes full of tears): Please explain all what you said ..

Niall: Im srry Louis but I'd to tell you .. Listen-


Do you think Niall's lying? Do you still think Harry is a good person who loves Louis?

Flashback " When Harry was talking to Louis on omegle
Louis: I just dont wanna live with a broken heart "

And dont forget to vote and comment! and omg I really cant believe the story reached 1.40 K !!! tysm for your great support <33

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