Chapter 11

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Mood: wanted - Hunter Hayes
" Put aside the math and the logic of it .. You gotta know you're wanted too <3 "



Niall(looking at the ground): Listen Louis .. Remember when Harry left his mobile downstairs? It was ringing and the caller's name was " Liam my bf" ... When I checked Harry's messages .. I found he was texting someone called Liam and said he doesnt love you and you're his friend

Me( with a confused emotion): I-Its a joke right!!

Niall(with a sad face): No its isnt Louis ,  Im srry for that .. I didnt want to tell you

Me: Dont be sorry .. Whatever ,Im not sad  .. I knew I won't be loved .. I hate him .. I hate his dimples .. I hate his brown curly hair .. I hate his blue eyes .. I hate his thin smooth lips .. I hate that he will make me complete the rest of my life with a broken heart .. Once a heart is broken it cant be fixed .. Im now feeling nothing ..

Niall:  I understand you .. Please dont be sad .. But you'll love again and be loved .. Dont worry it isnot the end

Me(walking away and going upstairs): yeah maybe oneday

I went upstairs and closed the room .. My mobile was ringing .. It was Harry .. I answered

Harry: Lou hey babe how are you today

Me: Dont fucking call me again ... You broke me heart .. My heart is divided into pieces .. Do me a favour and leave me alone ! you got what you want ... Mission's completed Harry Im already broken .. Now leave me alone

Harry(confused): what are you even talking about-

Me: You know exactly what Im talking about .. Bye Harry

I closed the phone and sat there alone.. I stared at the wardrobe .. Im tired of thinking ... I opened my labtop and listened to songs .. Sad songs .. I sat there for many hours .. The second passed like years ... I tgen heard a knock on my door .. I opened to see Harry crying so hard and his arms are full of bruises .. Ive nevee seen him like this before . Though he really hurt me but I was so sad to see him like this .. I mean there are remaining feelings for your ex  .. Right?

Harry(crying that all his face was wet  and it was so red .. His blue eyes were red from crying ) : Louis will you please listen to me? You dont understand .. Is that the reason you were acting wierd when we were on the date? Louis let me explain eveything please

Me(crying): No need to lie Harry

Harry: Im not lying .. I will tell you .. Remember when I told you I had an ex ? .. Well , we knew each other in the bar and we were so good together untill I discovered he cheated many times  .. My dad's homophobic and he killed my brother and the one he loved when he knew he's gay .. So my  "Liam" told me that if I broke up with him and didnt give him what he want he'll tell my dad .. I must go to his house once a week .. Remember when you saw me kissing a guy in the party? It was him .. The other people werent my freinds .. They were his freinds .. Mum , dad and Gemma werent there.. He saw me with you  and he asked if I really loved you but I told him you're just a freind .. When I kissed you I meant it .. I will never leave you Lou and if you wanna check my mobile here it is .. I was afraid to tell you ..

Me(shocked and confused) : Im sorry for you brother Harry ..But you should've told me ..I wanna kill Liam ! I hate him ! How can he do something like this .. Im sorry Harry but I was so hurt .. Im really sorry ..

Harry(A small smile appeared on his pretty face): Dont be sorry .. Im the one who didnt tell you . Im sorry Louis I love you

Me: I love you too Harry Im sorry to misunderstand-

He touched my lips and looked at it .. He moved closer .. Our faces was too close .. I was sure that this kiss wont be like the last kiss.. Now I trust him .. He really loves me ! .. He smiled and kissed me passionately .. I smiled during the kiss.. What a feeling ! .. Niall the knocked the door xD

Niall: Can I enter?

We pulled away slowly and laughed ..

Harry(smiling and laughing) : Yes Niall enter

Niall(looking at us happily) : Awww Im happy you're back together !! your lips are so swollen .. Its obvious that you kissed .. Awww so cute

Me(blushing) : Hahaha yeah we did Niall

I looked at Harry blushing .. My cheecks were so red ... He moved closer to me and kissed my hot red cheeks softly .. I blushed more ..

The question here ... What are we gonna do with Liam and Harry's father?


OMG 2K !!! This is really amazing ! tnx all for your support

I will update soon :) hope you like this chapter *-*

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